Need Some Encouragement to Buy God’s Indwelling Presence?

If you’re looking for encouragement to buy God’s Indwelling Presence, you can find some here.

Thanks to Clint Armani and Jeff Humphries for alerting me to the discussion, and thanks to the commenters on the thread for their kind words!

Buy it on Logos.

Buy it on Amazon.

Peter Gentry on Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

The next issue of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14.1 (2010) is soon to be released. The issue is on eschatology, and you can see the Table of Contents here.

SBJT has generously made available what looks to be the most important essay in this issue: Peter J. Gentry, “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks and the New Exodus,” SBJT 14.1 (2010): 26–45.

The Writings of Cornelis Bennema

Cornelis Bennema teaches at the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies. His new book from Paternoster is entitled, Encountering Jesus: Character Studies in the Gospel of John.

Here are some blurbs on Encountering Jesus:

‘This is a book I have been waiting for – a comprehensive, sophisticated analysis of the characters in the Gospel of John. Bennema gives us the tools to advance both our understanding of John’s gospel and the theory of characterization.’
R. Alan Culpepper, Dean of the McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University

‘Bennema’s thorough analysis offers further evidence for a more nuanced understanding of characters in the Gospel of John and moves the discussion about Johannine techniques of characterization forward in significant ways.’
Colleen M. Conway, Professor of Religious Studies, Seton Hall University

‘Bennema’s use of a theory of character to illuminate all of John’s cast of fascinating characters is pioneering and productive.’
Richard Bauckham, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies, University of St. Andrews

‘In this careful and creative study, Bennema challenges the widely held view that John’s characters are types or symbols and successfully demonstrates that each character in John has a distinctive individual profile in their interactions with Jesus. This book opens an important new window on how John tells the story of Jesus.’
Gail R. O’Day, A.H. Shatford Professor of Preaching and New Testament, Candler School of Theology, Emory University

Those researching and writing on the Gospel of John won’t want to miss his publications, most of which can be found in PDF online.

Still Sola Scriptura, My Essay from The Sacred Text

Thanks to Gorgias Press and to the editors of The Sacred Text, the Michaels Bird and Pahl, for permission to post my essay from the volume here:

Still Sola Scriptura: An Evangelical View of Scripture,” pages 215–40 in The Sacred Text: Excavating the Texts, Exploring the Interpretations, and Engaging the Theologies of the Christian Scriptures, ed. Michael Bird and Michael Pahl. Gorgias Précis Portfolios 7. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2010.

You can also get to the essay by clicking the cover of the book on the right hand side of the blog, or by going to the “Articles & Essays” page of this site.

As Jesus said, the word of God is truth, and may God sanctify us in that truth (John 17:17).

Baptists and the Cross Conference, and a bit on Michael Haykin

This looks like a great conference put on by the Andrew Fuller Center at SBTS: Baptists and the Cross.

Date: August 30-31, 2010.

Speakers: Akin, Bebbington, Schreiner, Dowling, Fuller, Thompson, Wellum.

Discounted rates.

Here’s a brief podcast on it with the director of the Andrew Fuller Center, Michael Haykin.

A brief testimony about Michael Haykin: this brother is committed to personal discipleship. I asked him about reading the Apostolic Fathers in Greek, and he has graciously shared his time with me by meeting regularly to read these texts and allow me to benefit from his deep learning on these matters. What a blessing to have an older brother take me under his wing, share his expertise, and give life on life time in this way. How Christian of him! I know of no better way to recommend him, his blog, and the Andrew Fuller Center, which is putting on this conference.

Check out Dr. Haykin’s writings here, and some audio here. Much more audio, including many excellent historical lectures, here.

Check Out the New ESV Online

As book technology charges forward (check out this fascinating comparison of the Kindle and the iPad by Tim Challies), the folks at Crossway are setting the pace among evangelicals, not least through the ESV Digital Initiative.

They’ve developed a fabulous ESV Online site (more about it here), and for a limited time everyone who signs up for an ESV Online account gets a 30 day free trial of the digital version of the ESV Study Bible.

Sermons on Titus

The past four weeks at Kenwood we were in Paul’s letter to Titus. Here are the sermons:

April 18, 2010, Titus 1:1-4 Truth Produces Godliness

April 25, 2010, Titus 1:5-16 Elders in Response to False Teachers

May 2, 2010, Titus 2:1-15 Behavior that Commends the Gospel

May 9, Titus 3:1-15 Behavior Based on the Gospel

May the Lord add his blessing to the reading and the hearing of his word.

The Sudden Conversion of a Rabid Anti-Christian

Read John Shore’s gripping testimony here (HT: Thabiti).

Two things are prominent in his account: the conviction he felt for his sin, and the reality that “The story of Jesus is historically true.”

This simultaneously pokes holes in two balloons: the one floated by the crowd that doesn’t want to talk about sin (see Osteen), and the other by some academics who think history doesn’t matter.

The gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16).

Now Available: The Sacred Text

Newly released from Gorgias Press:

Michael F. Bird and Michael W. Pahl, eds. The Sacred Text: Excavating the Texts, Exploring the Interpretations, and Engaging the Theologies of the Christian Scriptures. Gorgias Précis Portfolios 7. Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias, 2010.


Introduction: From Manuscript to MP3 – Michael F. Bird

The History of the Texts

The Septuagint as Scripture in the Early Church – Karen H. Jobes

Scripture in the Second Century – Tomas Bokedal

Scripture and Tradition: Seeking a Middle Path – Michael W. Pahl

Scripture and Canon – John C. Poirier

The Interpretation of the Texts

Scripture and Biblical Criticism – Jamie A. Grant

Scripture and Theological Exegesis – Thorsten Moritz

Scripture and Postmodern Epistemology – Robert Shillaker

Scripture and New Interpretive Approaches: Feminist & Post-Colonial – Jennifer G. Bird

The Theological Status of the Texts as Scripture

Catholic Doctrine on Scripture: Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Interpretation – Brant Pitre

Scripture in Eastern Orthodoxy: Canon, Tradition, and Interpretation -George Kalantzis

Still Sola Scriptura: An Evangelical Perspective on Scripture – James M. Hamilton Jr.

The Word as Event: Barth and Bultmann on Scripture – David Congdon

Can be ordered here.