SBTS Publications in 2014

Here are some ideas for Christmas and/or birthday gifts for the pastor, theologian, missionary, evangelist, seminarian, or teacher/student of the Bible in your life. Last year I posted a list of books from the SBTS Faculty in 2013, and I’m following it up with this list of books from the SBTS Faculty in 2014. I …

How To Use “The Bible’s Big Story”: Dads, Step Up and Play the Man

Do you know what I’m trying to accomplish with The Bible’s Big Story? I want you to win the hearts of your children. I want you to win them through the time you spend with them. I want you to start when they’re so small they can’t yet climb off your lap and crawl around. I …

A New Fragment of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter

David Brakke has published a signifcant essay with a fresh translation of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: “A New Fragment of Athanasius’s 39th Festal Letter: Heresy, Apocrypha, and the Canon.”  Harvard Theological Review 103 (2010): 47-66. He points to some of the implications of a “new fragment of the Coptic text” of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: …

Baptists and the Cross Conference, and a bit on Michael Haykin

This looks like a great conference put on by the Andrew Fuller Center at SBTS: Baptists and the Cross. Date: August 30-31, 2010. Speakers: Akin, Bebbington, Schreiner, Dowling, Fuller, Thompson, Wellum. Discounted rates. Here’s a brief podcast on it with the director of the Andrew Fuller Center, Michael Haykin. A brief testimony about Michael Haykin: …