Baptists and the Cross Conference, and a bit on Michael Haykin

This looks like a great conference put on by the Andrew Fuller Center at SBTS: Baptists and the Cross.

Date: August 30-31, 2010.

Speakers: Akin, Bebbington, Schreiner, Dowling, Fuller, Thompson, Wellum.

Discounted rates.

Here’s a brief podcast on it with the director of the Andrew Fuller Center, Michael Haykin.

A brief testimony about Michael Haykin: this brother is committed to personal discipleship. I asked him about reading the Apostolic Fathers in Greek, and he has graciously shared his time with me by meeting regularly to read these texts and allow me to benefit from his deep learning on these matters. What a blessing to have an older brother take me under his wing, share his expertise, and give life on life time in this way. How Christian of him! I know of no better way to recommend him, his blog, and the Andrew Fuller Center, which is putting on this conference.

Check out Dr. Haykin’s writings here, and some audio here. Much more audio, including many excellent historical lectures, here.

2 replies on “Baptists and the Cross Conference, and a bit on Michael Haykin”

  1. Dr. Hamilton,

    How do you get the picture to have the embedded code to go to the website?

    I have tried. I don’t get it. I want to choke my computer!


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