Edit Your Work Over and Over

Nothing makes me happier than for a student, especially one of my PhD students, to ask how he can improve his writing. It shows humility. It shows awareness of imperfection. And it promises that what I read from his screen might be, well, less painful than it would have been. I hope the PhD students …

We Love Homeschooling

I am so thankful that our kids are enrolled in Hamilton Classical Academy, and here’s just one reason. The other day their history book from Veritas Press (Pages of History by Bruce Etter and Alexia Detweiler) introduced this acorn to oak-tree concept of the growth of the promises in the OT from the acorn of …

What Helps Me Most As I Prepare to Preach

This post is a quick response to a question in a comment on my post on Jane Austen and Jeremiah 20:7. The question was what commentaries have helped me most as I’ve worked through Jeremiah. My answer is along the lines of what I recently said about what seminaries are for, because what has helped …

A Really Cool Math Fact About the Squares

My kids are in Classical Conversations (CC), which we love. This year they learned the squares (a number times itself) to 15, and they learned them to a song. The information in CC is wonderful. I wish I knew all this stuff. But apparently when I was in elementary school the “educational experts” had decided …

Fall Sale at Canon Press

Canon Press is having their annual 5 day sale this week, October 17–21, 2011. Much of their stuff will go for 60% off or more. There’s a lot of good stuff for homeschooling, and those who teach and preach the Scriptures will be particularly interested in Peter Leithart’s commentary on 1–2 Samuel and the new …

Lit! Let Tony Reinke Help You Read

I love books. I love literature. I’m really grateful for the way the Lord has used books in my own life, and I’m really confident that those who deal in words, people who preach and teach, have much to gain from the best put thoughts of the clearest thinkers the world has known. Add to …

In Houston This Weekend

Lord willing, I’ll be at Bethel Church Houston (formerly Bethel Independent Presbyterian Church) this Sunday, November 7, 2010. I’ll be preaching from Revelation 5 in their two morning services, and then at 5pm leading a Sunday Night Seminar on “God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology.” If you’re in the Houston area, it …

Andy Naselli on Organizing Your Library

I love Zotero. If you write essays, articles, papers, or books, you’ll want to know about this program. Andy Naselli taught me how to use it, and now he has written a piece that will help you, too. This is a must read. On his site he’s posted an overview of an article that is …

Baptists and the Cross Conference, and a bit on Michael Haykin

This looks like a great conference put on by the Andrew Fuller Center at SBTS: Baptists and the Cross. Date: August 30-31, 2010. Speakers: Akin, Bebbington, Schreiner, Dowling, Fuller, Thompson, Wellum. Discounted rates. Here’s a brief podcast on it with the director of the Andrew Fuller Center, Michael Haykin. A brief testimony about Michael Haykin: …

That the Generations to Come Might Praise the Lord

On January 31 it was my privilege to preach at Kemp Road Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio. I attempted to set the role of the family in the wider context of God’s purposes in Old Testament theology, moving from the father’s role in Deuteronomy 6 to the king’s role as a father to his people …

Christian Audio Free Download of Dante’s Divine Comedy

In my opinion Dante’s Infermo is one of those works of literature that should be relished by every human being. Now you can listen to it for free from Christian Audio . com. I recommend you also buy a print edition with really good study notes. It will repay your attention! One of the greatest works …

Greg Wills’ History of Southern Seminary

It’s out: Gregory A. Wills, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1859-2009 It is my understanding that today is its first day being sold at the Lifeway Store on the SBTS campus. I was browsing the book and was surprised to see Scott Hafemann’s name. I won’t type up the whole story surrounding his name, but it …

Greg Wills on “Southern Seminary, Southern Baptists, and the Two Religions”

Dr. Greg Wills gave his Faculty Address here at SBTS last week, and it was a fascinating analysis of the “realist” policy pursued by liberals who knew they had to hide what they really thought from the people in the churches who funded their livelihoods. So, those liberals happily took money given to train pastors, …

Interview with Thabiti on Being a Healthy Church Member (particularly as a seminarian)

Thabiti Anyabwile was kind enough to interact with me on topics related to his new book, What Is A Healthy Church Member? Our exchange is below. Enjoy! [JMH = me; TMA = Thabiti M. Anyabwile] ——— JMH: Dear Thabiti, Thanks for your service to us, brother. If I may, I’d like to ask you for …