Peter Gentry on Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

The next issue of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14.1 (2010) is soon to be released. The issue is on eschatology, and you can see the Table of Contents here.

SBJT has generously made available what looks to be the most important essay in this issue: Peter J. Gentry, “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks and the New Exodus,” SBJT 14.1 (2010): 26–45.

7 replies on “Peter Gentry on Daniel’s Seventy Weeks”

  1. Very helpful, thanks for linking to it. I have lots to learn and understand yet.

  2. From what I’ve read and your Revelation sermons, it looks as though you have a different take on Daniel’s 70 weeks. Especially how the final 7 plays out. There are so many different views it seems, and I’m trying to navigate my way through them.

    Is there a book/resource that you’d recommend that represents and defends your view?

    1. At this point the Revelation book is the only place my view is in print. I’m at work on a book on the Theology of Daniel, though. Please pray for me as I write!

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