Beckwith on the Relationship between the Testaments

In his magnificent book, The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church, Roger Beckwith writes (408): The church was, of course, given its own authoritative interpretation of the Old Testament by Jesus and the apostles, but since Christianity was a thorough-going prophetic movement, claiming a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, withdrawn when prophecy …

Intended Allegory in the Song of Songs?

For a number of years now learned interpreters of Scripture have been telling us that the Song of Songs is (primarily) about human love. I put the word primarily in parentheses in that last sentence for a reason. I had grown so accustomed to the emphasis on human love in the Song that I had …

Congrats to Andy Naselli on From Typology to Doxology

My good friend Andy Naselli recently completed his second Phd. The first one was done at Bob Jones in Theology and resulted in an important book entitled Let Go and Let God? A Survey and Analysis of Keswick Theology. The second one was done at Trinity under D. A. Carson, and it has now been …

Inner-Biblical Allusions

Here’s the body of a post from Charles Halton with a link to what looks to be an interesting article (haven’t gotten to it yet but hope to eventually) and a nice summary of it that resonates with an approach I’ve taken myself: Jeffery Leonard: Identifying Inner-Biblical Allusions: Psalm 78 as a Test Case. It’s quite …

Review of Moyise, Paul and Scripture

Steve Moyise, Paul and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010. 151 pp. $21.99, paper. Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15.4 (2011): 79–81. The best thing about this book is its interaction with modern scholarship. The best thing about the book’s interaction with modern scholarship …

God: The Merciful Judge

This past weekend it was my privilege to be in Fayetteville, AR, at University Baptist Church. I spoke on the theme of God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology. These talks seek to summarize the Bible’s big story, highlighting the promises that generate the typological patterns. The talks are now available on UBC’s …

The First Copy of Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches

Hearty thanks to Crossway for over-nighting a copy of my book, Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches! This one is dedicated to my sons (baby girl came along after it was completed), and the inscription goes like this: For Jake, Jed, and Luke May the High King on the white horse capture your imagination …

My Thoughts on Beale’s NT Biblical Theology

I’ve been asked several times now what I think of G. K. Beale’s massive New Testament Biblical Theology. I’ve mentioned repeatedly how much I’ve learned from Beale. It was a comment Tom Schreiner made in a seminar that first drove me to a Beale article that set me trying to understand how the NT authors …

Jeremiah 7: Indictment of Unrepentant Israel (with some temple typology)

As I indicated in a previous post, it seems that Jeremiah 1:18–19 and Jeremiah 6:27–30 are bracketing Jeremiah 2–6 as a unit in which there is a progression from Israel’s sin to Israel’s rejection for their refusal to repent. This would place Jeremiah 7 at a strategic juncture introducing the next section of the book …

Is Eve a Type in 1 Timothy 2:15? Some Thoughts on Typology and Biblical Theology

A colleague asked me about Mary Kassian’s post “Women, Typology, and 1 Timothy 2:15,” which has now been reposted at the CBMW blog. My colleague’s concern was whether the appeal to typology was fanciful or legitimate. Here’s my response: Earle Ellis (in the preface to Goppelt’s Typos) states that typology consists of historical correspondence and …

This Is How Biblical Intertextuality Works, Too

John Gardner’s The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers, 192–93: “It is this quality of the novel, its built-in need to return and repeat, that forms the physical basis of the novel’s chief glory, its resonant close. . . . What rings and resounds at the end of a novel is not …

Review of Beale, We Become What We Worship

G. K. Beale. We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2008. 341 pp. $26.00. Paper. Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14.4 (2010): 121–22. G. K. Beale is well known for significant contributions to biblical scholarship in general and biblical theology in particular. His commentary on Revelation, …

Don’t Miss the Beale Lectures

I’m enjoying an opportunity to read a pre-publication version of G. K. Beale’s forthcoming A New Testament Biblical Theology and feeling a high degree of resonance with what Beale is arguing. If you’re in Louisville, let me encourage you to make every effort to go to make these lectures: Tuesday, March 15, 1:00 p.m. | …

G. K. Beale at SBTS

Next week Greg Beale will be lecturing here at Southern Seminary. Here’s the schedule: TUESDAY March 15, 2011 1:00 p.m. | Lecture 1, Heritage Hall “Recent Developments in Old in the New Studies that Challenge the Organic Integrity of the Testaments”* 2:30 p.m.| Lecture 2, Heritage Hall “A Classic Purposed Example of the Misuse of …

The Lord’s Supper in Paul

Thomas R. Schreiner and Matthew R. Crawford have done us a great service in editing The Lord’s Supper: Remembering and Proclaiming Christ until He Comes, which has just appeared from Broadman and Holman. I’m honored to have contributed to this project, and I’m grateful that Broadman and Holman has kindly granted me permission to post …

“Son of Man” or “Human Beings” in the NIV 2011: What Difference Does It Make?

In answer to the question: What makes a translation [of the Bible] accurate? I said: “Its ability to preserve the way that later biblical authors evoke earlier Scripture.” You can read my explanation at the BibleGateway Perspectives in Translation forum. The NIV 2011 provides a perfect illustration of my point. Hebrews 2:6–8 is quoting Psalm …

“The Mystery of Marriage” from For the Fame of God’s Name

Praise God for marriage! What gift can be compared to this one? Who but God could have come up with something so good? Crossway has kindly granted permission for me to post my essay from the Piper Festschrift: James M. Hamilton Jr., “The Mystery of Marriage,” pages 253-71 in For the Fame of God’s Name: …

Review of Joel Kennedy’s The Recapitulation of Israel

Joel Kennedy. The Recapitulation of Israel: Use of Israel’s History in Matthew 1:1–4:11. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2.257. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008. 264pp. 9783161498251. $105.00 (paper). Published in Bulletin for Biblical Research 20.2 (2010): 268-69. This book is a revision of a dissertation supervised by Francis Watson at Aberdeen. The subject of the book …

Baptism Now Saves You?

Have you ever wondered why Peter says (1 Pet 3:20-21) that the waters of the flood through which Noah and a few others were saved correspond to baptism? In the sermon it was my privilege to preach yesterday, I tried to pursue a biblical-theological explanation of how the flood was an expression of God’s wrath …