My Thoughts on Beale’s NT Biblical Theology

I’ve been asked several times now what I think of G. K. Beale’s massive New Testament Biblical Theology. I’ve mentioned repeatedly how much I’ve learned from Beale. It was a comment Tom Schreiner made in a seminar that first drove me to a Beale article that set me trying to understand how the NT authors understood the OT (moving me away from the assumption that they did not understand the OT correctly).

So I have learned a lot from Beale and am grateful for him. I was honored to receive an invitation to respond to some lectures Beale gave at Midwestern Seminary, and Prof. Beale asked that my response be written in light of his forthcoming New Testament Biblical Theology. I was grateful for an advance look at the book, and my response to his lectures also contains my basic thoughts on Beale’s big book.

If you’re interested, courtesy of the editor of the Midwestern Journal of Theology, here’s the essay:

James M. Hamilton, “Appreciation, Agreement, and a Few Minor Quibbles: A Response to G. K. Beale,” Midwestern Journal of Theology 10 (2011), 58–70.

8 replies on “My Thoughts on Beale’s NT Biblical Theology”

  1. Jim, unless my illiteracy is blocking me from finding it (which is entirely possible), the link you provided to your article is not working.

    1. Thanks Noah, I think I got the link fixed. If it doesn’t work on the post (which it should!), the essay is also posted on the Articles and Essays page here.

  2. Loved reading this! I laughed out loud at the Dickens reference regarding Beale’s wordiness. I remember being introduced to Beale’s name in a lecture you gave at the Houston SWBTS campus, in the Isaiah class. You affirmed an argument from “The Temple and the Church’s Mission,” and from that point on I was a Beale fan.

    Having greatly appreciated his previous works, I think his “New Testament Biblical Theology” is among the most stimulating and interesting books I’ve read in years.

  3. Thank you for the link, Dr. Hamilton. It is much appreciated and I enjoyed reading it. I am excited to get into Beale’s new work.

  4. Always helped by your work. This is no exception. I laughed out loud at your suggestion that he title his lecture, “Elders and End Times.” I have begun working through Beale’s book. Thanks for posting this.

  5. Your note about the Baker claim illustrates the bent of publishers to stretch their promotional claims beyond the author’s intentions.

    Thank you for a very helpful review. Having read Beale’s Revelation, I hope to read this one, too.

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