Appreciation, Agreement, and a Few Minor Quibbles: A Response to G. K. Beale

I have mentioned before how much I’ve learned from Prof. G. K. Beale. In November of 2010 he delivered the Sizemore Lectures at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The lectures have now been published in the Midwestern Journal of Theology, and I was honored to receive an invitation to respond to Beale’s lectures. Prof. Beale asked that my response be written in light of his forthcoming New Testament Biblical Theology, and I was grateful for an advanced look at the book.

The Spring 2011 issue of the Midwestern Journal of Theology has now appeared, and the editor has kindly granted me permission to post my response to Beale here:

James M. Hamilton, “Appreciation, Agreement, and a Few Minor Quibbles: A Response to G. K. Beale,” Midwestern Journal of Theology 10 (2011), 58–70.

Beale also gave the Gheens Lectures at Southern Seminary in the Spring of 2011, audio and video of which are available here.

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