The First Copy of Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches

Hearty thanks to Crossway for over-nighting a copy of my book, Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches!

This one is dedicated to my sons (baby girl came along after it was completed), and the inscription goes like this:

For Jake, Jed, and Luke
May the High King on the white horse
capture your imagination
and lay claim to your allegiance

13 replies on “The First Copy of Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches”

  1. Congrats brother! The Amazon gift card I received for Christmas has been eagerly awaiting this purchase!

  2. Congrats, my friend!

    It’s 2012….the 2011 book-fast is over…..can’t wait to pick up a copy!!! Have they told you when it will be available in stores/Amazon?

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