Recommended Book: The Flames of Rome by Paul Maier

On the strength of recommendations from Justin Taylor and Andy Naselli, I bought and read Paul Maier’s novel The Flames of Rome, and now I’m adding my voice to the chorus of recommendations for this book. Maier begins in the reign of Claudius and takes his reader to the end of the reign of Nero …

Josephus on Alexander the Great and the Book of Daniel

A good deal of biblical scholarship on the book of Daniel assumes that Daniel 7–12 was written after 165 B.C. This date is very difficult to reconcile with the actual historical evidence. For instance, the book of Daniel was embraced by all sects of Judaism, whereas other literature produced after the schisms took place was …

Fred Zaspel on The Theology of Warfield

I’m really excited to see this new book from Fred Zaspel, The Theology of B. B. Warfield: A Systematic Summary. It gives me another nudge to read Warfield himself, which I’m eager to do. So many books . . . Justin Taylor interviewed Zaspell on the book here. And the Crossway blog has a link …

A New Fragment of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter

David Brakke has published a signifcant essay with a fresh translation of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: “A New Fragment of Athanasius’s 39th Festal Letter: Heresy, Apocrypha, and the Canon.”  Harvard Theological Review 103 (2010): 47-66. He points to some of the implications of a “new fragment of the Coptic text” of Athanasius’s Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: …

Mullin Reviews MacLeod’s Biography of Woods

From the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals: Book Review:  A. Donald MacLeod.  C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University.  Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2007.  pp. 283.  $25.00 by Miles Mullin Donald MacLeod, Research Professor of Church History at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, has produced a much-needed biography of the indefatigable C. Stacy …

From the Makers of Modern Parables: Visual Latin

Looking for help learning Latin or teaching it to your kids? Here’s a great deal for a limited time: Visual Latin | Lessons 1 to 10 Complete [Single/Family] Go to the Site. Price: $25.00 (excluding tax) Ok, this is a really special, very low, tell-all-your friends intro price.  It is extremelyinexpensive for this product.  We are not …

Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls by Craig Evans

You’ll want to avail yourself of this valuable, attractive new Holman QuickSource Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls by recognized expert, Craig A. Evans. Have you ever thought to yourself: I know there is a pile of scholarly information on the Dead Sea Scrolls that I could wade through, but I’d love to be able …

Stephen J. Wellum on Theological Interpretation of Scripture

Stephen J. Wellum’s editorial in the most recent issue of SBJT contains some of the most insightful statements I’ve read on Theological Interpretation of Scripture: “First, what is it and why has it arisen? . . . . Probably at this point, it is best to characterize TIS [Theological Interpretation of Scripture] as a broad …

40-50% Off Hendrickson Titles for the Next 10 Days

Great deal here from Eisenbrauns. The text of the notice that just landed in my inbox is below. Note that at the bottom there’s an opportunity to subscribe, which I recommend you take. If you don’t own the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha by Charlesworth, this is your chance to get it at half price: BookNews from …

And If We Refuse We’re Rebels

Erich Auerbach (Mimesis, 14-15) writes that the intent of biblical stories: “is not to bewitch the senses, and if nevertheless they produce lively sensory effects, it is only because the moral, religious, and psychological phenomena which are their sole concern are made concrete in the sensible matter of life. But their religious intent involves an …

Christian History Project, Volume 1

I recently learned of The Christian History Project. These books would be a great addition to the library of any pastor or home-school family. Here’s the Foreword to the first volume: The most dangerous people, said the twentieth-century Christian essayist G.K. Chesterton, are those who have been cut off from their cultural roots. Had he lived …

Andy Naselli’s Let Go and Let God Now Available

The published version of Andy Naselli’s first dissertation is now available for pre-order from Logos. Here’s my endorsement for the book: The history presented in this book is fascinating, and Andy Naselli is a gentle but firm guide away from pitfalls and precipices to straight and narrow exegetical and theological paths. You can see many …

Jay Nordlinger on Political and Religious Ironies in America

Jay Nordlinger is always entertaining, and he has a great ear for the English language. He recently posted some toothy observations on how left of center politicians can say anything they want about religion, whereas if anyone right of center says something similar the talking heads go crazy: When the Left Talks Religious. Here’s a …