Recommended Book: The Flames of Rome by Paul Maier

On the strength of recommendations from Justin Taylor and Andy Naselli, I bought and read Paul Maier’s novel The Flames of Rome, and now I’m adding my voice to the chorus of recommendations for this book.

Maier begins in the reign of Claudius and takes his reader to the end of the reign of Nero in this “documentary novel.” All the names used are authentic, and at no point is the actual history violated. Maier fills in details that we don’t have to create a story that keeps the pages turning, and he documents each chapter with thorough notes referring to primary sources where the facts can be found.

Maier is a good storyteller, and the history related in this novel is important for anyone interested in the New Testament, as Maier has documented the late AD 40’s through to the late AD 60’s, the years in which the Apostles were on mission and many of the books of the New Testament were being written.

Do you want a window into a world previously unaffected by the good news of Jesus Christ, a glimpse into the growth of the gospel in its earliest years?

The Flames of Rome is a story worth reading in its own right, and it comes with the added benefit of accurately depicting this period in history, giving you the background of the New Testament. So the book is a pleasure to read, and it’s good for you too!

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