2 replies on “The Trick Is to Find Them”

  1. True. And it is surprising where you find the on them on the secular campus.

    The two profs that standout from my university experience as being devoted to the pursuit of truth were (ironically!): (1) an ethics prof who considered himself a connoisseur of porn and defended abortion at any stage and (2) a homosexual atheist who detested both Christianity and was devoted to destroying moral relativism. (Obviously neither actually loved capital-T Truth in reality.)

    Students couldn’t handle them well. The pressed for consistency in logic. Prof (1) loved and defended me for being against all abortion, since I was the only one who shared his consistency, if only from different foundations. With Prof (2), I wrote a paper arguing he couldn’t be a consistently moral atheist. He recommended me to give the student address at graduation (which the faculty gave to a mushy feel-good postmodern).

    Those were the profs I loved. They knew there was truth. They simply didn’t know where and how to find it. The rest denied the possibility of truth, and then crammed ‘truth’ down your throat.

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