Andy Naselli’s Let Go and Let God Now Available

The published version of Andy Naselli’s first dissertation is now available for pre-order from Logos.

Here’s my endorsement for the book:

The history presented in this book is fascinating, and Andy Naselli is a gentle but firm guide away from pitfalls and precipices to straight and narrow exegetical and theological paths.

You can see many more endorsements and other front matter, including the full table of contents, here. Kevin DeYoung interviews Andy on the book here.

You’ll want to get this book, subscribe to his blog (if you’re one of the two people who haven’t already), and join me in eagerly awaiting the publication of his second dissertation on Romans 11:33-36.

One reply on “Andy Naselli’s Let Go and Let God Now Available”

  1. Chuck got to see Dwight L Moody preach his message with this title when he was in high school.

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