We Love Homeschooling

I am so thankful that our kids are enrolled in Hamilton Classical Academy, and here’s just one reason. The other day their history book from Veritas Press (Pages of History by Bruce Etter and Alexia Detweiler) introduced this acorn to oak-tree concept of the growth of the promises in the OT from the acorn of …

Guest Post from Adam Richardson: 52 Hours with My Son Jon

My friend Adam Richardson and I were students together at DTS. After Seminary, Adam served as a missionary in Russia for eleven years, and he is now pursuing a PhD at the University of Leicester, doing his work at Tyndale House, Cambridge. At the time the events he relates below took place, he was in …

New Post at Christianity.com: Do You Love Controversy or People?

Some people think it’s either/or. Here’s a bit from (near) the beginning: A few years ago I would have been suspicious of anyone who mentioned the need to engage in theological controversy in a loving way. I would have done one of those mental clucks of the tongue and inched the person toward the “needs-to-firm-up-conviction” …

The Other 2013 Book I’m Most Excited to See

Tom Schreiner’s New Testament Theology was hailed by Simon Gathercole as “a magnificent acheivement.” What shall we say, then, about his new whole Bible theology, bearing the matchless title, The King in His Beauty? I can say that there’s not a saner, clearer, shrewder, godlier scholar I know. No one humbler or happier, no one …

The 2013 Book I’m Most Excited to See

Warning, hyperbolic statement ahead: More than any other book that will be published in 2013, I’m excited to see this new one from Brian Vickers. Having already published on imputation (which if you haven’t read it already, you should click right here and get yourself a copy of Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness), and having spent …

On the Eve of the Release of Rowling’s Next Book

I’ve been thinking for a while about what J. K. Rowling teaches us in the Harry Potter stories through her depiction of Remus Lupin, the werewolf who is a good guy. I finally got around to writing up my reflections, and they’re now posted over at Christianity.com. Here’s the opening: I love the Harry Potter …

In Houston October 1–6, 2012

My sweet wife grew up in Houston, and then when I finished my PhD at SBTS in 2003, the Lord opened a door for me to teach at the Houston campus of Southwestern Seminary. I had the privilege of teaching there from 2003–2008. In January of 2004 I was ordained to gospel ministry by Providence …

New Post at Christianity.com: How I Mark My Bible

Someone recently asked in a comment on some post or other about how I mark my Bible. I describe the color coding system I use in a post over at Christianity.com. Here’s the introduction: Do you have a system for marking your Bible as you study? Over the years, I’ve found that if I want …

Review of Phillips, God’s Wisdom in Proverbs

Note: Themelios 37.2 has just appeared, in which this review is published. I would note also that what Dan Phillips does in this book, especially with Proverbs 22:6, goes very well with the previous post on child-training in the OT. Dan Phillips. God’s Wisdom in Proverbs: Hearing God’s Voice in Scripture. The Woodlands, TX: Kress, …

A Biblical Theology of Motherhood

The editor of the Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry, Timothy Paul Jones, has generously granted me permission to post my essay from the most recent issue (table of contents). Here’s a taste of “A Biblical Theology of Motherhood“: What is a biblical theology of motherhood? A biblical theology of anything seeks to describe both …

What I Learned in My First Pastorate

A few years ago Towers invited me to reflect on what I learned in my first pastorate at Baptist Church of the Redeemer. I now post what I wrote then in this space. —- A small group of nobodies in a big room seemed really unimpressive, but I confess vanity and pride. To be honest, …

Are We Training Parrots or Making Disciples?

In a guest post on the Crossway blog I discuss the relationships between exegesis, biblical theology, and historical theology in the process of disciple-making. Are your assumptions about the people who hear you preach and teach an affront to the reality that they are made in the image of God? Here’s the intro: Solid exegesis, …

Use the Right Tool for the Right Job: Gospel Maturity for Seminary

In my humble opinion, seminary students should seek from the seminary what the seminary exists to give them, and the seminary exists to give them the Bible. Let me be quick to add that the seminary’s main purposes include systematic theology and church history, but God has revealed himself in the Bible. Let me say …

Can A Presbyterian Join a Baptist Church?

How does one’s stance on baptism affect membership decisions? If a person is a convinced paedobaptist (i.e., one who holds to infant baptism) and declines to be baptized (i.e., immersed) as a believer, should that prohibit him or her from being a member of the church? My attempt to answer these questions is on The …