The Other 2013 Book I’m Most Excited to See

Tom Schreiner’s New Testament Theology was hailed by Simon Gathercole as “a magnificent acheivement.” What shall we say, then, about his new whole Bible theology, bearing the matchless title, The King in His Beauty?

I can say that there’s not a saner, clearer, shrewder, godlier scholar I know. No one humbler or happier, no one whose life better matches what he preaches and teaches. No one whose writings I find more helpful, more convincing, more instructive. As I’ve read Schreiner over the years, I’ve been so often edified. So many times I’ve been impressed by his ability to summarize so much scholarship so succinctly, and so often I’ve seen him solve what seemed to be intractable difficulties with straightforward common sense that accounts for everything in the text. I don’t know anyone who has read more, anyone more charitable in dispute, anyone more willing to learn from those of different perspectives, and I can’t think of anyone that I’ve learned more from than Tom Schreiner.

In fact, I’m having a hard time thinking of a point where he has failed to convince me. And I can be pretty disagreeable!

So in addition to Brian Vickers’ Justification by Grace through Faith, the other book I’m most looking forward to in 2013 is Tom Schreiner’s The King in His Beauty. These two books will make it a banner year in publishing for SBTS faculty, and then there’s the other other book I’m most looking forward to in 2012 from Denny Burk–what can I say!? All three are superlative. Stay tuned.

8 replies on “The Other 2013 Book I’m Most Excited to See”

  1. Your description of Dr. Schreiner’s teaching is dead on. I had so many times in his NT 2 class where we came to a very difficult text or issue that he was able to explain clearly, and in a way that I felt I understood the text well, so quickly and completely.

  2. Dr. Hamilton, how does Dr. Schreiner’s work relate to Kingdom Through Covenant, if at all? Perhaps it’s too early to know.

    1. For one thing they two books are formatted differently, as Schreiner goes book-by-book through the whole Bible. But in terms of general theological outlook they’re going to be similar, though I’d be surprised if Schreiner emphasizes or discusses the covenant anywhere near to the degree that Gentry/Wellum do. Not that he disagrees hugely, just a difference in emphasis.

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