And If We Refuse We’re Rebels

Erich Auerbach (Mimesis, 14-15) writes that the intent of biblical stories: “is not to bewitch the senses, and if nevertheless they produce lively sensory effects, it is only because the moral, religious, and psychological phenomena which are their sole concern are made concrete in the sensible matter of life. But their religious intent involves an …

Slave Master, by Donald L. Hilton, Jr.

Patrick Schreiner is probably right: everyone looks at the same blogs. Still, I have noticed that I reach a "tipping point" in deciding whether to read something after several of the blogs I look at post on the same thing. So Thabiti first highlighted this, then JT blogged on it this morning, and I’m hoping …

Baptists and the Cross Conference, and a bit on Michael Haykin

This looks like a great conference put on by the Andrew Fuller Center at SBTS: Baptists and the Cross. Date: August 30-31, 2010. Speakers: Akin, Bebbington, Schreiner, Dowling, Fuller, Thompson, Wellum. Discounted rates. Here’s a brief podcast on it with the director of the Andrew Fuller Center, Michael Haykin. A brief testimony about Michael Haykin: …