Douglas Wilson Can Flat Write

If this paragraph doesn’t make sense to you, go read the whole thing (I would, of course, alter “Baptizing babies” to “Baptizing believers” but this remains a powerful paragraph): Actually, I believe I can present evidence for what I know. But evidence comes to us like food, and that is why we say grace over …

The Problem with Penal Substitution

Set to appear in the “Forum” section of the next edition of SBJT. Posted here with the editor’s permission. “Mercy and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (Ps 85:10).  The problem with penal substitutionary atonement isn’t the idea that God could be wrathful. Anyone who believes the Bible—and reads it—will …

Free Christian Audio Book: The Reformed Pastor

Each month ChristianAudio is excited to give away one free audio book download. The books we give away are free for only one month. After that they are sold at the regular price. So make sure that you check back regularly and download these great Christian Classics for FREE! Use this coupon code – MAY2007 …

PCA Study Report on Federal Vision

If you’ve heard of “Federal Vision, which is synonymous with “Auburn Avenue Theology,” this committee from the PCA: Committee Members: TE Paul Fowler, Chairman TE Grover Gunn, Secretary TE Ligon Duncan TE Sean Lucas RE Robert Mattes RE William Mueller RE John White.has done you a favor. They have carefully described Federal Vision, along with …

Wright on Substitution

In a previous post I wondered whether Wright includes the notion of God’s wrath being satisfied by Christ on the cross in his thinking about Penal Substitution. Several quotes have come to my attention that indicate that he has affirmed this idea in writing, so to my thinking he has answered that question. Here are …

Romania, Paris, Copper Mountain

If you check this blog regularly, you’ll have noticed that there were no posts through the middle of March. That’s because I was in Romania, then Paris, then Colorado. My friend Gabriel Ianculovici has posted a video of me preaching at a church plant in Romania with his brother, Chris, translating my English into Romanian. …