Romania, Paris, Copper Mountain

If you check this blog regularly, you’ll have noticed that there were no posts through the middle of March. That’s because I was in Romania, then Paris, then Colorado.

My friend Gabriel Ianculovici has posted a video of me preaching at a church plant in Romania with his brother, Chris, translating my English into Romanian. This encouraging church plant has seen 120 people come to faith since the church was planted in the early 1990’s. I also taught at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Bucharest and was heartily encouraged by the brothers there.

Romania is a country that was long abused by communism, but the Lord preserved his people there. We should pray for the Word of God to continue to prosper in Romania.

After Romania, I visited some folks in Paris who are seeking to reach North Africans in that post-Christian place. On the subway in Paris, I listened to this interview with Thabiti Anyabwile on Islam and Muslims. If you know as little about Islam and Muslims as I do, you should avail yourself of this great conversation.

Upon my return to the States, I was blessed by some people obeying 1 Timothy 6:17-19. I won’t steal their reward by revealing their identity, but they blessed my sweet wife and me with an all expense paid ski vacation in Copper Mountain, Colorado. The Lord’s mercy and love through these folks is indescribable.

One reply on “Romania, Paris, Copper Mountain”

  1. Hey Jim,

    I saw you at Copper Mtn. Wasn’t that you on the bunny hill? =)

    Chad in Colorado.

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