Charles Halton notes that the newly published paperback version of the widely cited ANET makes accessible a resource that has retained its value: “In this fast-paced world, scholarship—even in old and dusty fields like ancient Near Eastern studies—has a relatively short life span. Each year new texts are unearthed, new interpretations are offered, and existing …
Category Archives: Books
I Want to Read Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl Again and Again
Buy the book here. You really should. Check out this trailer for a new “Bookumentary”: Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl Movie Trailer from Gorilla Poet Productions on Vimeo. Go here to sign up for updates. HT: Doug Wilson
Can Egalitarians Tolerate Complementarians?
Working on my review of Payne’s Man and Woman, One in Christ, it became clear that for Payne, and probably for many egalitarians, the issue of women in ministry is a moral issue that is closely linked to civil rights. To be clear, I think the Bible teaches complementary roles for men and women (here …
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Payne Alleges Censorship and Editorial Abuse of Privilege
Here are another couple of paragraphs omitted from my review of Payne’s book. Those who disagree with Payne are accused of censorship, misrepresentation, blatant falsehood, and uncritical thinking: Payne suggests that when Douglas J. Moo, as editor of Trinity Journal, did not publish a particular egalitarian’s submission, Moo practiced “censorship” (120 n. 13, cf. 411 …
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How Payne Responds to His Critics
Here’s a paragraph that I cut from my review of Payne, Man and Woman, One in Christ: Payne typically answers his critics with argumentum verbosium or “proof by verbosity.” Craig Blomberg wrote a 2,200 word review of the book under review here,[1] and Payne posted a 3,600 word comment in response. Tom Schreiner reviewed the …
Review of Philip B. Payne’s “Man and Woman, One in Christ”
Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters. By Philip B. Payne. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009, 511 pp, $29.99 paper. Published in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 54.1 (2011), 177–79. Israel never had female priests. Jesus did not name any females as apostles. Peter instructed wives to submit …
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Looking for Good Writing? Check Out Moore’s Latest
If you’re asking whether there are any Christians who can write, maybe adding that you want a Christian who writes good theology with style, you should check out Russell D. Moore’s Tempted and Tried: Temptation and the Triumph of Christ. This is a beautifully written book. And it’s compelling, stirring, insightful, life-giving . . . …
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Have You Read “Unbroken”?
What a book! Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken is a “true tall tale” (AP) powerfully told. At 19 in 1936, Louie Zamperini “was the youngest distance runner ever to make the [U. S. Olympic] team” (27). The 1940 Olympics were cancelled because WWII had begun (44). Zamperini was drafted and became a bombardier (45). May 27, 1943, …
Releasing Today: Tim Challies’ “The Next Story”
Tim Challies can be counted on to shoot straight. His book reviews are valuable precisely because he’s not afraid to say that a book is terrible, and as he refuses to beat around the bush, he evaluates from a perspective of sound theology and biblical wisdom, loving discretion and insightful discernment. Tim’s first book, in …
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Volume 2 in the Chiveis Trilogy by Bryan Litfin, The Gift
Last fall at ETS I picked up Bryan Litfin’s first novel, The Sword. I loved it, and interviewed Bryan on it here. At that point he was just finishing the second novel, The Gift, and he asked me about endorsing it. I enthusiastically received the PDF, and here’s what I said in my endorsement: I …
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We Pre-Ordered ‘The Monster In the Hollows’, Did You?
If you haven’t already done so, high thee to the Rabbit Room to reserve for thyself a signed copy of what promises to be a beautiful and funny, inspiring and exciting, surprising and hope-building narrative of no little silly seriousness. Here’s the description: The Monster in the Hollows Sneakery. Betrayal. And the Deadly Secret of …
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Trevin Wax Interviews Mitch Chase
Head on over to Kingdom People for this interview with Mitch Chase on his book The Gospel Is for Christians. Endorsements for the book: “Mitch Chase joins a growing group of leaders on mission to help the church rediscover the truth that the gospel isn’t just the power of God to save us; it’s the …
Review of Beale, We Become What We Worship
G. K. Beale. We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2008. 341 pp. $26.00. Paper. Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14.4 (2010): 121–22. G. K. Beale is well known for significant contributions to biblical scholarship in general and biblical theology in particular. His commentary on Revelation, …
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Litfin’s ‘The Sword’ Free on Kindle
I really enjoyed Bryan Litfin’s novel, The Sword, and Eric Schumacher brought to my attention that right now it’s free on Kindle. Enjoy!
Piper’s “Jesus: The Only Way to God” Free from
Through March 31, 2011, is giving away John Piper’s Jesus: The Only Way to God. Get it here.
Recommended Book: The Flames of Rome by Paul Maier
On the strength of recommendations from Justin Taylor and Andy Naselli, I bought and read Paul Maier’s novel The Flames of Rome, and now I’m adding my voice to the chorus of recommendations for this book. Maier begins in the reign of Claudius and takes his reader to the end of the reign of Nero …
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Anthony O’Hear (in The Great Books, 2) notes: “. . . the Plato studied by philosophers of today is a Plato who is almost a colleague or contemporary of ours, with our mentality. The fact that all his thought is framed in a mystical myth of the transmigration of souls between this world and another …
Andrew Peterson’s First Novel for $6
Great deal here on Book 1 of The Wingfeather Saga, Andrew Peterson’s On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. Six bucks is hard to beat. HT: An Infant in a Cradle
David Hume (1757): “Authority or prejudice may be able to give a temporary vogue to a bad poet or orator; but his reputation will never be durable or general.” as quoted in The Great Books by Anthony O’Hear (p. xix).
Biblical Theology for Kids: Free Download
Need some help with family worship? Want to communicate the big story of the Bible to your kids in a way that they can easily memorize? Tired of reading board-books to your kids that are about nothing and less than nothing? Here’s a gift for you from me and my son Jake: Biblical Theology for …
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