Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches

It’s great to see this volume on Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches appear. Dr. Mohler writes: “The loss of a biblical vision of the local church–indeed the collapse of biblical ecclesiology in many congregations–is the greatest threat to Baptists. Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churces is a book urgently needed and well timed. The writers of …

Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Temple in the Gospel of John, by Paul Hoskins

Paul M. Hoskins, Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Temple in the Gospel of John, Paternoster Biblical Monographs. Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2006. xiv + 265pp. $35.00. Paper. This volume is a revision of a dissertation done by Paul Hoskins, who now teaches at Southwestern Seminary, at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School under the supervision of D. …

Review of Hafemann and House, Central Themes in Biblical Theology

Scott J. Hafemann and Paul R. House, eds., Central Themes in Biblical Theology: Mapping Unity in Diversity, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007. 330pp. $29.99, paper.  Two leading evangelical biblical theologians, Scott Hafemann and Paul House, have edited a collection of essays that include their own contributions as well as key treatments from five other scholars, all …

Review of Guy Waters, The End of Deuteronomy in the Epistles of Paul

Guy Waters, The End of Deuteronomy in the Epistles of Paul, WUNT 2/221. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006. 302pp. ISBN: 3-16-148891-1. $99.50. Paper. This volume is the published version of a dissertation written under the supervision of Richard B. Hays at Duke University. Guy Waters, who now teaches at RTS in Jackson, MS, is also the …

A New Translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

If you’ve never read this poem, repent, and go buy this new translation of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Carve out some time over the Christmas season and treat yourself to this inspiring, virtuous tale of true chivalry. You’ll be glad you did. If you want a teaser, here’s a great article on this …

Free Christian Audio Book of the Month: Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections

If you have never read Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections, here’s your chance to download the audio book for free. The folks at ChristianAudio write: Use the coupon code: NOV2007 to receive the download format of Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections for free.  Simply add the download format of this product to your cart and …

The Future of Justification: John Piper’s Response to N. T. Wright

N. T. Wright is perhaps the most influential clergyman in the United Kingdom, and John Piper is perhaps even more influential here in the United States. And the two have crossed swords. This might be the most significant pastoral interchange of our time. In the Acknowledgments Piper relates that he sent the first draft of …

Pierced for Our Transgressions

It finally made it across the Atlantic. Some time back there was, in Jonathan Leeman’s phrase, “quite a hullabaloo over the gospel.” That hullabaloo was largely occasioned by N. T. Wright’s response to Pierced for Our Transgressions, which has finally made it across the water and is now available from Crossway Books. N. T. Wright …

Built upon the Rock now available for Pre-Order

A revised version of a paper I presented at the Tyndale Fellowship Conference Biblical Theology Study Group in July 2005, “The Virgin Will Conceive: Typology in Isaiah and Fulfillment in Matthew”, will appear in a forthcoming book from Eerdmans titled Built upon the Rock, edited by Dan Gurtner and John Nolland. The editors, contributors, and …

Review of C. John Collins, Genesis 1-4

C. John Collins, Genesis 1–4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary. Phillipsburg: P&R, 2006. 318pp. $17.99, paper. Passionate discussion is once again taking place in the evangelical academy regarding the nature of Scripture and what is meant by inerrancy. Much of this discussion has been generated by Peter Enns’ book Inspiration and Incarnation and Greg …

Review of Richard B. Hays, The Conversion of the Imagination

Richard B. Hays, The Conversion of the Imagination: Paul as Interpreter of Israel’s Scripture. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005. 213pp. $20.00, paper. My enthusiasm over this volume has caused me to repeatedly defer writing this review. Both the church and the academy will benefit from the approach to interpretation advocated in this book. Richard B. Hays …

Communion with the Triune God, ed. Kapic and Taylor: Another Suggestion for Pastors

When Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor’s edition of Owen’s Overcoming Sin and Temptation came out, I suggested that pastors go through this slowly with others they serve with at church. The three of us doing this at Redeemer are still working through Overcoming Sin and Temptation (note the word slowly!–sometimes slower is better), but the …

The Great Exchange, by Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington

Is a clear understanding of the atonement an academic preserve to which only theologians and scholars have access? Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington don’t think so. Thus, they have written The Great Exchange: My Sin for His Righteousness, which seeks to explain the way that the Old Testament prepares the way for Jesus’ death, then …

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, by Mark Dever

Mark Dever’s latest book, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, arrived on my doorstep a couple days ago, and what I’ve read so far has me convinced that this is a book for every Christian. I think I’ll get a copy for every member of our church. Dever starts with a grabbing story in the Introduction, …