A New Translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

If you’ve never read this poem, repent, and go buy this new translation of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Carve out some time over the Christmas season and treat yourself to this inspiring, virtuous tale of true chivalry. You’ll be glad you did.

If you want a teaser, here’s a great article on this new translation (you have to be a registered reader of the New York Times, but that’s free and the article is worth reading).

We Christians should reclaim our great literary heritage, which includes the likes of “Sir Gawain” and “Beowulf”–the real story of Beowulf, that is, not the cheap Canaanization of it recently produced by Hollywood. The makers of that smut should be ashamed that they defiled the fine name of “Beowulf” with their filth.

The true story of Beowulf is one of nobility, bravery, self-sacrifice, and the victory of good over evil. And that is also the true story of this world through the triumph of the Lord Christ. Something of that triumph is also captured in the victory of virtue portrayed in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.”

Enjoy the ennoblement of your soul as you read this great work of literature!

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