Free Christian Audio Book of the Month: Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections

If you have never read Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections, here’s your chance to download the audio book for free. The folks at ChristianAudio write:

Use the coupon code: NOV2007 to receive the download format of Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections for free.  Simply add the download format of this product to your cart and enter the coupon code when prompted.

The Religious Affections is quite possibly one of the most important books ever written by America’s greatest theologian. Among the questions asked is, “What is the nature of true religion?” “What are the signs of a true revival?” and “How is the heart changed?” Edwards used his pulpit and his leadership of the Great Awakening to pen one of the most challenging and inquisitive books ever written.

Our Price: $0.00
List Price: $28.98

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