John Piper’s account of the last moments of his father, and his response to those moments, is a must read. HT: JT
Category Archives: Evangelism and Apologetics
Suffer Hardship . . . as a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus. . .
In these words of 2 Timothy 2:3 Paul exhorts Timothy to bear up under suffering for Christ the way that soldiers stand in battle. A beautiful picture of a soldier standing in battle is given today in the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal essay by Daniel Henninger, “The Real American Idol.” Henninger describes the Medal …
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The Beauty, Dignity, and Comfort of Formality
This is a helpful meditation on the funeral deportment of a casual pastor as compared with the dignity of the Marines who also had a part. HT: Ray Van Neste
The Case for Formal, Active Church Membership
A week ago Eric Schumacher preached a great sermon defending the idea of formal, active church membership. This is a great presentation of the biblical evidence for “church membership,” even though the Bible doesn’t explicitly say: “Make a list of all the members of the church and have new people formally join the church.” I …
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Book of the Month: Piper’s Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce
February is black history month, and that with the February 23rd release of Amazing Grace, a movie about the life of William Wilberforce, make John Piper’s recently released Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce a must read for this month. This is a brief 76 page book that tells a beautiful story of …
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Time Interviews Dr. Mohler
Great interview here on the intersection of Dr. Mohler’s theology and his recent illness. Praise God for this faithful servant, and praise God for his continued life! HT: JT
Great Christian Literature: P. D. James’s “The Children of Men”
Here is a book in which the birth of a male child signals hope for the whole world. The child is hunted by an evil ruler (remember Herod?), fathered by a man named Luke, Christened by a man named Theo (the Gospel of Luke is addressed to Theophilis), and born of a woman with a …
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The Church Militant and Her Warfare
ETS last week was a great experience. It was good to fellowship with old friends, spend more time with some new ones, and enjoy some stimulating presentations. I presented a paper called “The Church Militant and Her Warfare: We Are Not Another Interest Group.” The gist is that the church is God’s tool for transforming …
9News on Biblical Theology
The latest edition of 9News is out, also available in PDF here. Here is the table of contents: BIBLICAL THEOLOGY Where Is Your Story Written? Conventional wisdom decries all grand stories of life and history. But Scripture presents the ultimate story of God’s work in creation and new creation. Michael Lawrence introduces his series in biblical …
Imputation in a Nutshell
Anyone interested in a clearer understanding of what the word Imputation means, how it relates to Justification, and what the key texts in the discussion are (and I hope a lot of people are really interested in these things!), must go read this interview with Dr. Brian Vickers (scroll down to page 2 for the …
Reinventing Jesus
Reinventing Jesus: What The Da Vinci Code and other Novel Speculations Don’t Tell You, by J. Ed Komoszewski, M. James Sawyer, and Daniel B. Wallace. Kregel, 2006. The subtitle of this volume might lead one to think it is mainly concerned with The Da Vinci Code, but that is not the case at all. …
Is John Piper Bad?
This is pretty funny. HT: Eric Schumacher
The Northbrook Conference
The Northbrook Conference begins tomorrow night. If you can’t make it to Cedar Rapids with us, you can follow along thanks to Doug McHone of Coffee Swirls, who will be liveblogging the conference. May the Lord bless his people and sanctify them through his word!
Your Best Life Now
The latest issue of 9News is out from 9Marks, and Greg Gilbert has a great review of Joel Osteen’s book.
Does the Bible Teach Inclusivism? A Review Essay of Terrance L. Tiessen’s, WHO CAN BE SAVED?
A little over a year ago the Lord mercifully spared our home, which is about 30 miles from Galveston, from a hurricane. We did evacuate, and when we evacuated, the Lord gave me a week long break from normal duties, during which I wrote the bulk of this review of Terrance L. Tiessen’s book, Who …
The Best Way to Wage the War on Terror
The best way to combat terrorism is to boldly share the Gospel, to boldly live out the Gospel, and to pour ourselves into our churches. The church is God’s evangelistic program, and the healthier the church the healthier the witness as it images forth the glory of God. Go read Justin Taylor’s summary of Al …
Why Do I Have to Go to Chapel?
If you’ve asked that question, maybe this post will help. HT: Michael Haykin
Great News from Canterbury: The Archbishop Sides with the Bible!
Go read how the archibishop of Canterbury is now saying that homosexuals must change to be admitted into the church! This marks a change from a position he advocated 20 years ago. Praise God, people can change their minds, repent of wrong thinking, and acknowledge the Bible as God’s word! I wonder if this might …
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Schreiner on Preaching and Biblical Theology
The latest issue of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology is out from Southern Seminary, and Tom Schreiner has a great essay on Preaching and Biblical Theology. He gives crisp explanations of what Biblical Theology is and how it should inform our preaching. He also diagnoses the challenges we are facing with precision and love, …
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What Is Baptism and Is It Worth Dying For?
In one of the best sermons I’ve read in a while, Eric Schumacher explains what Baptism is and why it’s worth dying for. This is a must read.