For Us and for Our Salvation: The Doctrine of Christ in the Early Church

Christian, do you know Jesus? Do you know your heritage? Do you know the major movements and men who fought the battle that was and is the most important ideological controversy in human history? Do you know how this controversy affects you? Stephen Nichols has our back. He’s doing his part to help us know …

Review of Garretson, Princeton and Preaching

[You can also read Sinclair Ferguson’s foreword to this book on the Banner of Truth website.]   James M. Garretson, Princeton and Preaching: Archibald Alexander and the Christian Ministry. Edinburgh/Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2005. xxiv+280pp. $28.00, hardcover. Published in SBJT 11.1 (2007), 93-93. Archibald Alexander (1772–1851) was the first professor at Princeton …

Look What They Did with Marcion’s Money

John Behr writes in The Way to Nicea (17) of the challenge posed to the church by “Marcion, a rich ship owner from the Black Sea, who arrived in Rome in the middle of the second century and donated a large sum of money to the church there, for its charitable works, which was soon …

The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World

Stephen J. Nichols has done it again! Following a number of helpful books along these lines, Nichols has once again provided a masterful summary that would benefit every Christian. This book gives a bird’s eye view of the whole Reformation (don’t be misled by the subtitle, it is about much more than just brother Martin). …

My Friend Denny Designed My New Header!

My dear friend Denny Burk blessed me with a new header image for my blog, and I’m publicly thanking him and praising God for his friendship! Hallelujah! The image above was taken when I was 18 years old playing shortstop for Jacksonville Arkansas’s American Legion team sponsored by Gwatney Chevrolet. Thanks Denny!

Books Every Seminary Graduate Should Have Read

Let me first say that I did not have all the books listed below read by the time I finished seminary (either time, that is, some I didn’t read until after I was out of school altogether). Let me also say that I have not read every word of all of the books listed below. …