Should I consider using multiple translations or stick with one?

Stick with one, for one main reason: it facilitates the memorization of Scripture. If you are always reading, always studying, and always consulting the same version, you will be constantly reinforcing what you have memorized. It is so frustrating to have a text memorized, or almost memorized, then to hear it read or quoted in …

Review of Moyise, Paul and Scripture

Steve Moyise, Paul and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010. 151 pp. $21.99, paper. Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15.4 (2011): 79–81. The best thing about this book is its interaction with modern scholarship. The best thing about the book’s interaction with modern scholarship …

Kingdom through Covenant by Gentry and Wellum

I happened to be in Dr. Gentry’s office yesterday afternoon, and I was delighted to see the page proofs of this forthcoming book. In the course of our conversation, Gentry said something like this: “I’ve been developing these lectures over the course of my 30 years of teaching, and students have urged me to put …

Congratulations to Eckhard Schnabel on his 40 Questions about the End Times

I’m glad to see Eckhard Schnabel’s 40 Questions about The End Times appear, not least because it puts me in good company! His book appeared in 2011, my book Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches appeared in 2012. I had turned my manuscript into Crossway before Schnabel’s work appeared, and I didn’t know he …

Steinmann’s Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

The standard Hebrew reference grammars (GKC and JM) are not for the light of heart, so I’m always glad to see new efforts to bridge the gap between the elementary textbooks and the reference grammars. Enter Andrew Steinmann with his Intermediate Biblical Hebrew. Reading books like this one is like eating your broccoli. Other things …

The Hebrew–English Old Testament (BHS/ESV) and Crossway’s Commitment to the Bible

I have commented before on how much I appreciate having a Hebrew–English diglot of the Old Testament. I’ve heard someone say that there are over 3,000 forms in the Hebrew Bible that only occur once. I haven’t gone through and counted, and I’m not about to try to memorize all those nonces. So if I’m …

Use the Right Tool for the Right Job: Gospel Maturity for Seminary

In my humble opinion, seminary students should seek from the seminary what the seminary exists to give them, and the seminary exists to give them the Bible. Let me be quick to add that the seminary’s main purposes include systematic theology and church history, but God has revealed himself in the Bible. Let me say …

Congrats to Ray Ortlund on Preaching the Word Vol. on Proverbs

Have you ever wondered how Proverbs might be preached? When I work my way through a book of the Bible, I like to get a robust exegetical commentary along with a more pastoral one and work through them as I prepare to preach. The exegetical commentary helps me with historical and background details, gives me …

To Zion the Streaming Nations Come

To Zion the streaming nations come, To sing the praise of what he’s done, Ransomed souls from every tribe, Clothed in white, the bloodbought bride. Come join the throng Come sing the song Come see the Lord Come hear his Word Wine, milk, richest fare, Fine white linen you will wear, Living water, come and …

Conrad Comments on Smyth and Robertson

HT to Rod Decker for drawing attention to this comparison of the grammars of Smyth and Robertson from The Biblical Greek Forum: Robertson’s work is focused fundamentally on the Greek of the New Testament, but each chapter begins with a careful survey of the history of the form and/or usage dealt with, setting forth the …

God: The Merciful Judge

This past weekend it was my privilege to be in Fayetteville, AR, at University Baptist Church. I spoke on the theme of God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology. These talks seek to summarize the Bible’s big story, highlighting the promises that generate the typological patterns. The talks are now available on UBC’s …

Can A Presbyterian Join a Baptist Church?

How does one’s stance on baptism affect membership decisions? If a person is a convinced paedobaptist (i.e., one who holds to infant baptism) and declines to be baptized (i.e., immersed) as a believer, should that prohibit him or her from being a member of the church? My attempt to answer these questions is on The …

The Logos Original Languages Supplement

The Bible is the most important book in the world. Nothing else comes close. No other book in the world reveals God. No other book in the world is inspired by the Holy Spirit. No other book in the world is able to make people wise unto salvation. No other book in the world is …

@DennyBurk Interview on Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches

My dear friend and fellow pastor Denny Burk blessed me with a blog interview on Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches. Here are the questions:   What is the main point of Revelation? What is the genre?   If much of the prophecy in Revelation symbolizes early Christian conflict with Rome, then why not …

Another Reason To Be Premillennial

So I’m sitting in church on New Year’s Day and my friend C. T. Eldridge gets up to do the New Testament reading. The reading is Revelation 15, and these words jumped out at me: “Then I saw another sign in heaven . . . And I saw what appeared to be a sea of …