To Zion the Streaming Nations Come

To Zion the streaming nations come,
To sing the praise of what he’s done,
Ransomed souls from every tribe,
Clothed in white, the bloodbought bride.

Come join the throng
Come sing the song
Come see the Lord
Come hear his Word

Wine, milk, richest fare,
Fine white linen you will wear,
Living water, come and drink,
Safety find and true thoughts think

Leave your sin your guilt your shame,
Repent, believe, call on his name.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Prepared for a sermon on Jeremiah 16

2 replies on “To Zion the Streaming Nations Come”

  1. NICE!!!

    Here was mine after reading the First Section of J. Edwards’ Freedom of the Will:

    All is extinct when the Messiah stands bound,
    A Mock Robe and a Thorned Crown.
    He was derided, spit on and scourged,
    He was condemned and executed… he was spit on.
    At first the cry was “Hosana!” with palms and wails,
    Then “Crucify! Crucify!”… and nails.
    Affections are not passions, the crowd acted quickly, violently, quickly,
    Oh how they were changed by the religiosity of the sickly.
    How the crowd saw Jesus as King, as Lord,
    Then in a blink had him nailed to a board,
    A deep love, a lasting affection for the Son they had not,
    For God’s purpose, will and promise would stand: our sin was to be bought…
    By the blood, by a crushing blow from the Heavenly Father, Christ died,
    “Into thy hands I commit my spirit!” the Messiah cried.
    Passions are not affections, affections are long… they are deep,
    They do not abandon… are not ashamed, they see the Son on the Cross and weep.
    Affections see the lost and are tormented with a heavenly grief,
    They see mercy… they see salvation and have joy with an unexplained peace.
    Oh Christian have affections holy for Jesus as you walk creation’s sod.
    As you walk, be humble, love mercy, act justly, be gracious, hope, believe and fear God.


  2. It was actually A Treatise on Religious Affections… not Freedom of the Will… Scribal Error… 🙂

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