Steinmann’s Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

The standard Hebrew reference grammars (GKC and JM) are not for the light of heart, so I’m always glad to see new efforts to bridge the gap between the elementary textbooks and the reference grammars.

Enter Andrew Steinmann with his Intermediate Biblical Hebrew. Reading books like this one is like eating your broccoli. Other things may have better texture and be a lot more tasty, but like your vegetables this sort of book will keep your brain healthy, well nourished, and it’ll do a lot of things for you that you don’t realize, wouldn’t expect, and didn’t know you needed.

Congratulations and gratitude to Andrew Steinmann for another important book!

One reply on “Steinmann’s Intermediate Biblical Hebrew”

  1. Yeah, I think that man’s quite the mounting resource, isn’t he? I could wish he were of the same exact doctrinal slot as I, but: his scholarly articles on the authorship of Proverbs are terrifically helpful, and his commentary on Proverbs is a magnificent feat. I’m looking forward to reading the whole of the latter, but what I’ve read is pretty terrific.

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