SBTS Alumni Academy on Biblical Theology

Is there anything more important than the Bible? Jesus said Scripture can’t be broken, and he prayed that the Father would sanctify his people in the truth, then said, “Thy word is truth.” God’s people need God’s word. The word doesn’t work like a magic formula, however. We don’t just pass our eyes over a …

Jason Duesing on Taking the Gospel to the Unreached

I love Jason Duesing’s writing. I started to excerpt his first and last paragraphs, then urge you to go read the whole thing. I decided not to excerpt them because they are so much more powerful in the context of the whole. If you wonder what seminaries have to do with taking the gospel to …

Dan Phillips Interviews Just Another Nobody

Here’s one of the exchanges: How was the reception? It is so encouraging to teach people who have experienced Psalm 19:9-10, “the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” God’s people love …

She Wields Her Weapons Too

I got to see the battle-front, She stayed to fight at home. The enemy I saw at work, She didn’t get to roam. I smelt the smoke and saw the flames, She took care of our kids. The fray I joined with the s-word of God, Some more homeschool she did. I got to see …