Rodney Stortz on Daniel

I am preaching through Daniel right now at Baptist Church of the Redeemer, and that enterprise drew my attention to Rodney Stortz, who wrote the Preaching the Word volume on Daniel. I was inspired by the account of Stortz’s life, and I am not alone. He died well, and being dead, he still speaks. I …

Review of Bell, The Irrevocable Call of God

Richard H. Bell, The Irrevocable Call of God: An Inquiry into Paul’s Theology of Israel, WUNT. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005. xxv + 550pp. ISBN: 3-16-148009-0. $175.00. Cloth. Published in Bulletin for Biblical Research, 18.1 (2008), 161-64. Having noted his shift in persuasion from the “new perspective” to a “more traditional ‘Lutheran’ approach” in his preface …

A New Ministry: SBTS in the Fall

In God’s great mercy I will be joining the faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in the fall. Here’s the story in the Towers Online. Here’s what I said when I shared this news with our church family at Baptist Church of the Redeemer: Psalm 139:16, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your …

Let Athanasius Spur You to Study the Psalms

In his fascinating lecture on “Reading the Psalms Messianically,” Gordon Wenham recommends The Letter of St. Athanasius to Marcellinus on the Interpretation of the Psalms. Having followed that recommendation, I am now passing it on, and I would also recommend having a listen (or multiple listens) to Wenham’s lecture. The most striking thing, for me, …

Biblical, Baptist Ecclesiology

I’ll be speaking on the most biblical form of ecclesiology at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX tomorrow night, Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 7pm. If you’re in the area, I would love to see you. I’ll be arguing that the most biblical form of ecclesiology is the one practiced historically by Baptist churches: elder-led …

Thanks to Whoever Sent This!

Here at the Hamilton House we’re celebrating the recent birth of a little one, and someone sent us a fitting onesie–fitting, that is, for our family, even though the little baby doesn’t fit in it quite yet. He’ll grow into it! We don’t know who sent this to us, but we want to thank whoever …

Responses to Mike Bird’s Questions

My friend Mike Bird posted some questions in response to what is happening at Westminster Seminary with Peter Enns as a result of Enns’s book, Inspiration and Incarnation. My responses to those questions in the comments section on Bird’s blog became such that I thought it might be useful to post them here. For the …

Interview with Justin Hardin on Paul and the Roman Imperial Cult

I met Justin Hardin a few summers ago when I visited Tyndale House, Cambridge. Justin was there doing his Ph.D., and I feel blessed to call him a friend. His dissertation explored the question of whether Paul is engaging the Imperial Cult in Galatians, and he now teaches at Oklahoma Baptist University, but in September …

D. A. Carson’s new book: Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor

Just out from Crossway and just arrived in my mail, I’m eager to read this new book by D. A. Carson, Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson. A few years ago Carson had a short piece on his father in the SBJT Forum that was a powerful reminder that …

Old Covenant Believers and the Indwelling Spirit

I just noticed that my essay, “Old Covenant Believers and the Indwelling Spirit: A Survey of the Spectrum of the Opinion,” is one of the “sample articles” made available at present from the Trinity Journal website. I don’t currently have permission to post that essay here, but for the present you can download it from …

Review of Guy Waters, The End of Deuteronomy in the Epistles of Paul

Guy Waters, The End of Deuteronomy in the Epistles of Paul, WUNT 2/221. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006. 302pp. ISBN: 3-16-148891-1. $99.50. Paper. This volume is the published version of a dissertation written under the supervision of Richard B. Hays at Duke University. Guy Waters, who now teaches at RTS in Jackson, MS, is also the …

Danny Akin Tells the Story of Bill Wallace

To hear the story of the missionary Doctor, Bill Wallace, who was martyred in China in 1951, go to the SEBTS chapel webpage and download the sermon “Jesus Is Everything to Me” on Philippians 1:21 preached by Dr. Danny Akin on October 30, 2007. Highly recommended. Don’t waste your life.

Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God: Salvation History in Song

Have you ever wondered if there’s a Christmas album that presents salvation history in song? If that’s what you’re looking for, look no further. Last Christmas a friend gave us Andrew Peterson‘s album, Behold the Lamb of God. This CD is practically a biblical theology in verse. The contents of the album are as follows: …

A Trophy of Grace Proclaims the Gospel

In the mercy and providence of God, my younger brother, David, became a Christian in March of this year. He has an insightful account of what happened in his brain as the Lord drew him, and there’s a lot of other good stuff on his blog, too. By the way, note that I referred to …