Biblical, Baptist Ecclesiology

I’ll be speaking on the most biblical form of ecclesiology at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX tomorrow night, Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 7pm.

If you’re in the area, I would love to see you. I’ll be arguing that the most biblical form of ecclesiology is the one practiced historically by Baptist churches: elder-led deacon-served congregationalism.

Hope to see you there!

5 replies on “Biblical, Baptist Ecclesiology”

  1. Sounds good, Jim. I’m wondering if you’ll also be rebutting the notion that a plurality of elders is contradictory with a “first among equals” (aka, a senior pastor).


  2. I really hate I didn’t check your blog before today (Monday); the subject is becoming of greater interest to me.

  3. HI Jim…would you happen to have a PDF copy of your recent article in the CBMW? regarding Pastors and Elders…is there a middle ground?

    I’m very curious…and think it will be wonderfully edifying.

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