2 replies on “Practicing Hospitality, by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock”

  1. I serve at The Master’s College under Lisa Tatlock’s husband Mark. They have five children, one girl adopted from China and two recently adopted from Uganda. Mark is highly respected and is heavily involved in missions and helping the poor. He is a master networker, bringing people together to maximize resources and mobilize the people of God towards these kinds of ministries, and Lisa shares his heart and is an exemplary mother. They practice what they preach.

  2. Greetings, Jim!

    Our publicist sent us a copy of your review and I then tracked it to your website. Thank you for your affirming review of PRACTICIG HOSPITALITY, THE JOY OF SERVING OTHERS. You have captured the heart of the book. May our Lord bless you as you seek to follow His instructions to love friends and strangers. Do come to see us if you are in our area so we can personally thank you!

    Warmly in Him,
    Pat Ennis 🙂

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