Study Guides for “God’s Indwelling Presence”

As I noted yesterday, my book God’s Indwelling Presence is summarized in about 1,000 words over at The Gospel Coalition. For a summary in about 5,000 words, see this article. Amazon Marketplace has copies of the book for $5. Have you thought about working through this book with others at your church? Some students pursuing …

The Failure of the Disciples and the Brothers Karamazov

On the night in which he was betrayed, Judas sold Jesus for money. When they arrived to arrest Jesus, Peter tried to help in a way contrary to Jesus’ teaching (taking up the sword, when Jesus has been teaching he would go to Jerusalem to die). When he was arrested, all the disciples fled. These …

Is Satan the Hero of Milton’s “Paradise Lost”?

Some have alleged that Satan is the real hero of John Milton’s epic Paradise Lost. For instance, William Blake held that Milton was “‘of the devil’s party,’ though ‘without knowing it’” and Percy Bysshe Shelley thought that Satan was “‘a moral being,’ one ‘far superior to [Milton’s] God as one who perseveres in some purpose …

Akkadian Prayers and Hymns Volume – Free Download (Some Translation Notes Thrown In, Too)

Charles Halton has the details on a free download of a book to which he contributed, Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: A Reader. While I’m linking to, I thought I would bring over a couple interesting statements he’s had up on translation in recent days. Here’s one from Simon Parpola: No translation, no matter how …

Justice and Mercy Planned by Jesus and the Count of Monte Cristo

In Alexandre Dumas’s novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmund Dantes is about to marry his beautiful beloved Mercedes. On the night before he is to be married, Dantes is falsely accused by one man who wants his woman, and another who wants his job. It so happens that the judge is implicated in the …

Review of Paul Barnett’s “Paul: Missionary of Jesus”

Paul: Missionary of Jesus. After Jesus, vol. 2. By Paul Barnett. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008, xvi + 240 pp. $18.00 paper. Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15.1 (2011), 112–13. In this book Paul Barnett asks whether the mission and message of Paul the Apostle was the mission and message of Jesus of …

Available for Pre-Order: Revelation (Preaching the Word)

An ancient dragon. A vulnerable bride holding fast to a promise. An immoral temptress and her consorts. And the King, coming on a white horse. John writes to small, scattered churches with little worldly influence, urging them to hold fast to the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Sexual immorality lures them toward …

Be on Guard: The Point of Mark 13, with some thoughts on ‘this generation’

Mark 13 is not in the Bible to provoke debates about when all things will be consummated – what Jesus meant by “this generation.” Mark 13 is in the Bible to prepare disciples of Jesus against deception, fear, sleepy inattention, persecution, and uncertainty. In Mark 11 Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt to cries of …

Whittaker Chambers on C. S. Lewis

As I read Whittaker Chambers’ Witness, at several points the story drove me to look things up online, where I found a page that links to many of Chambers’ other writings. Somewhere I read Solzhenitsyn say that his writing resulted from his having been thrown headlong into hell and attempting to describe the experience. Chambers’ …

Whittaker Chambers on James Joyce

In the conclusion of his review of Finnegan’s Wake, Whittaker Chambers wrote this telling description of James Joyce, “Nono. In appearance Joyce is slight, frail but impressive. He stands five feet ten or eleven, but looks as if a strong wind might blow him down. His face is thin and fine, its profile especially delicate. …

The Monster in the Hollows, by Andrew Peterson

It was a lovely May morning under the arbor on our bricked back porch. We love family time. We love being out in the morning before the sun has climbed high and grown hot. And we love a good story. We had been waiting for this story for months. To our great delight it finally …

Summer Reading Plans

Thinking about reading through God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology this summer? Maybe it would help to gather some friends and go through it as a group, discussing things along the way. If you don’t have a quorum where you are, a group from Kenwood Baptist Church will be going through it …

Piper Endorses GGSTJ

These words on the Crossway blog have me saying Soli Deo Gloria: “I was riveted. Never do I sit down and read sixty pages of ANY book that I get in the mail. But I could not stop—could not stop reading and could not stop rejoicing over God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment. It is …

Dante Says Love Built Hell

Consider the warning on hell’s gate in Inferno: “Through me you pass into the city of woe: Through me you pass into eternal pain: Through me among the people lost for aye. Justice the founder of my fabric moved: To rear me was the task of Power divine, Supremest Wisdom, and primeval Love. Before me …

Ishmael Describes the Pulpit

As Ishmael, the narrator of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, describes the Whaleman’s Chapel, he says this about the pulpit: Nor was the pulpit itself without a trace of the same sea-taste that had achieved the ladder and the picture. Its panelled front was in the likeness of a ship’s bluff bows, and the Holy Bible …

Dan Phillips Reviews “God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment”

Ever wondered how to make an author really, really happy? Call his book terrific, then refer to its distinctives as sparkling! He’ll be smiling with a great smiling. Trust me. If you want to make it even better, say this as one farther along in the faith, from a big platform with a reputation for …