The Beauty and Joy of Answered Prayer

I’m so thankful for Jason Skaer (follow him on twitter), and what a joy to read this account of how the Lord answered prayer and provided:

PROPERTY PRAYER – There were many nights where the men’s ministry consisted of monthly gatherings on the corner of Branch Crossing and Alden Bridge to pray.  I remember hot nights with lots of mosquitoes, and a group of guys asking God to move so that we could leave that old YMCA and build a campus on these 5 acres filled with woods.  I think many felt like we were hoping against hope, all we could see were tall trees and low funds, and the people driving by in the middle of the night must have thought we were nuts.  But God proved once again He does hear and answer prayer.

MACY’S PARKING LOT  – It was your ordinary Sunday in 2008 that turned extraordinary with one phone call.  Suzanne and I were going to the mall when I got a call from Roger Yancey explaining that someone had anonymously donated $700,000 to TCAAB to help build our new campus (see above prayer).  For a church whose annual budget at the time was south of $200,000 this was BIG news.  I remember running from the Macy’s parking lot where I took the call, all the way in to the store where I found Suzanne and started crying.  God is good.

The whole thing – 10 Years of God Memories

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