Championship Basketball

It’s better to honor God than to win, but that doesn’t mean we don’t try to honor God by winning!

My oldest son’s 9 year old basketball team played in the championship game at Southeast Christian Church today, and with a great team effort we came home with the victory.

IMG_3462Our watchwords were Defense, Dedication, Discipline, and everyone on the team learned the definition of discipline: doing what you’re supposed to do, when you’re supposed to do it, to the best of your ability, every time. Everyone responsible for everyone else. Bloodhounds for rebounds. We didn’t buy a ticket, so we’re not standing around watching. Leave it all on the floor, baby, go hard or go home.

Praise be to God, we came home with an 8–2 season and a victory in the championship game of the tournament.

There were some teams in the league that came to be identified by the best player on the team. “So-and-so’s team” was the way everybody identified them. That wasn’t said about our team, though we had several very good players.

These Bulldogs worked hard on defense, helped each other, stayed in position, rebounded, and ran a good offense that got the whole team involved.

Great season Bulldogs!

6 replies on “Championship Basketball”

  1. Coach Hamilton,

    You did a fabulous job coaching our kids and leading them closer to each other and the Lord this season. It was a hard-fought victory against a tough opponent… a season to Remember!! Go Bulldogs!!!

  2. I found your basketball cliches strangely inspiring and even informative. I now realize why my BB career ended in high school: I thought I had bought a ticket. Congratulations!

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