Books Every Seminary Graduate Should Have Read

Let me first say that I did not have all the books listed below read by the time I finished seminary (either time, that is, some I didn’t read until after I was out of school altogether). Let me also say that I have not read every word of all of the books listed below. …

September Prayer of the Month

This month I’ll be praying Colossians 1:9-12, which reads like this in the Holman Christian Standard Bible: (9) For this reason also, since the day we heard this, we haven’t stopped praying for you. We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, (10) …

What Love Is This?

I have said before that I think Eric Schumacher is one of the best poets of our day, and he has penned another lovely hymn called What Love Is This? We sing Eric’s hymns from time to time at Redeemer, and I suspect we will praise God together with this one sometime soon. Congratulations to …

What Is Regeneration?

I’ve posted before about how we’re catechizing our kids, mainly using The Baptist Catechism edited by John Piper. I’m not sure that we’ll learn all the questions, though. For instance, I’m not certain that the question, “May all men make use of Scripture,” with the answer that all men are not only permitted but required …

The Greatest Danger Facing the Church

Is probably not what most of us expect. We expect some sort of direct challenge from without, something like The Da Vinci Code. But I think the greatest danger that we face is from within, and I think it comes from well meaning pastors. How could well meaning pastors pose the greatest threat to evangelical …

Prayer of the Month

The Lord blessed me with a good idea the other day, and perhaps it will bless you as well. I decided to pick a New Testament prayer and try to pray through it every day of the month. This will probably lead to the memorization of the text, which never hurts, and I hope that …

Theology in the Local Church

I was extremely encouraged to read this news story, which tells of a 4,300 member church that “has 480 people who participate in weekly theological reading groups that study through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology.” Wow! May the Lord bless us all with so many people willing to engage in serious theological study!

Dallimore on Why He Wrote the Biography of Whitefield

“Yea, this book is written in the desire—perhaps in a measure of inner certainty—that we shall see the great Head of the Church once more bring into being His special instruments of revival, that He will again raise up unto Himself certain young men whom He may use in this glorious employ. And what manner …

Addressing Our Lack of Spiritual Wisdom

My friend Eric Schumacher, one of the most gifted poets and hymn writers I know, has posted a thoughtful reflection on the first thing for which those Irish Baptists invited the Baptists in London to join them in repentance: our lack of spiritual wisdom to reprove reprove sin plainly in all without respect of persons. …