Calvinism in the SBC: The Building Bridges Papers Appear

Denny Burk writes: Last Fall, I wrote about the “Building Bridges” conference that was held in Ridgecrest, North Carolina. Featured speakers included Calvinistic Baptists and non-Calvinistic Baptists. The presentations from that conference are being published as a collection of essays, and the book is available for pre-order from Calvinism: A Southern Baptist Dialogue. Ed. …

Free Christian Audio Book of the Month: Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections

If you have never read Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections, here’s your chance to download the audio book for free. The folks at ChristianAudio write: Use the coupon code: NOV2007 to receive the download format of Jonathan Edwards’ The Religious Affections for free.  Simply add the download format of this product to your cart and …

Pierced for Our Transgressions

It finally made it across the Atlantic. Some time back there was, in Jonathan Leeman’s phrase, “quite a hullabaloo over the gospel.” That hullabaloo was largely occasioned by N. T. Wright’s response to Pierced for Our Transgressions, which has finally made it across the water and is now available from Crossway Books. N. T. Wright …

Communion with the Triune God, ed. Kapic and Taylor: Another Suggestion for Pastors

When Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor’s edition of Owen’s Overcoming Sin and Temptation came out, I suggested that pastors go through this slowly with others they serve with at church. The three of us doing this at Redeemer are still working through Overcoming Sin and Temptation (note the word slowly!–sometimes slower is better), but the …