The Future of Justification: John Piper’s Response to N. T. Wright

N. T. Wright is perhaps the most influential clergyman in the United Kingdom, and John Piper is perhaps even more influential here in the United States. And the two have crossed swords. This might be the most significant pastoral interchange of our time. In the Acknowledgments Piper relates that he sent the first draft of …

Pierced for Our Transgressions

It finally made it across the Atlantic. Some time back there was, in Jonathan Leeman’s phrase, “quite a hullabaloo over the gospel.” That hullabaloo was largely occasioned by N. T. Wright’s response to Pierced for Our Transgressions, which has finally made it across the water and is now available from Crossway Books. N. T. Wright …

The Seed of the Woman and the Blessing of Abraham

In March of 2006 I presented a paper titled “The Seed of the Woman and the Blessing of Abraham” at the Southwest Regional Meeting of the Institute for Biblical Research, which was held in Dallas, TX. The basic argument is that the blessing of Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 answers the curses of Genesis 3:14-19 point …

Interview with Wellum on Infant Baptism

I have heard nothing but great things about Steve Wellum’s chapter in Believer’s Baptism. Perhaps the most rave review of it that I personally heard was from one of the stay-at-home moms in our church! I don’t know that a theologian could get a higher compliment than that: a stay-at-home mom devoured what he had …

Devoted to the Service of the Temple: Piety, Persecution, and Ministry in the Writings of Hercules Collins

The new book exploring the spirituality of 17th century Baptist pastor Hercules Collins is now in stock at Reformation Heritage Books and available for order online here. Description: While largely forgotten in modern times, Hercules Collins (1646/7-1702) was highly influential among the late 17th and early 18th century Calvinistic Baptists of London. Through a biographical …

Review of A Piety above the Common Standard, by Tony Chute

Anthony L. Chute, A Piety above the Common Standard: Jesse Mercer and Evangelistic Calvinism. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 2004, first paperback ed., 2005. 238pp. $25.00, paper. The concerns of the day could be summarized as follows: disputes over Calvinism, with anti-Calvinists pursuing a divisively vocal course; earnest desire for “a revival that will last …