The Lord has used Mark Driscoll in my life over the past few weeks to be more conscious of how many lost and unchurched people there are in this country. According to Barna, between 1991 and 2004 there was a 92% increase in the number of unchurched Americans. If all the unchurched folks in this …
Category Archives: Evangelism and Apologetics
Naming the Sin of Liberal Christianity
Wow! This article by Charlotte Allen is so forthright it almost feels like a slap in the face. I can’t believe this piece, called “Liberal Christianity Is Paying for Its Sins,” got published in the Los Angeles Times. I hope that all the evangelical scholars, teachers, and Ph.D. students who are so excited about flirting …
Why Don’t Baptists Commune with Presbyterians?
In a recent comment a friend of mine raised the issue of whether the requirements for membership in the local church ought to be the same as the requirements for membership in the universal church. I take this to mean: we think that someone is saved if they make a profession of faith and show …
Continue reading “Why Don’t Baptists Commune with Presbyterians?”
What Is Church 3.0?
Check out Mark Driscoll’s blog to find out.
How to Share the Gospel with a Muslim
There are, of course, many ways, but Thabiti Anyabwile posted a great letter in the comments section of the last post. You can view it here (scroll down to “Thabiti says”).
Prayer of the Month
The Lord blessed me with a good idea the other day, and perhaps it will bless you as well. I decided to pick a New Testament prayer and try to pray through it every day of the month. This will probably lead to the memorization of the text, which never hurts, and I hope that …
Dallimore on Why He Wrote the Biography of Whitefield
“Yea, this book is written in the desire—perhaps in a measure of inner certainty—that we shall see the great Head of the Church once more bring into being His special instruments of revival, that He will again raise up unto Himself certain young men whom He may use in this glorious employ. And what manner …
Continue reading “Dallimore on Why He Wrote the Biography of Whitefield”
The Blogosphere Gains a Bock!
Some people clearly do not respect the blogosphere. For them, blogs are operated by dropouts who are unable to get themselves published in “legitimate” arenas. When these people refer to “bloggers,” the word is spoken with the same scorn with which they dismiss the “punk kids” or the “ignorant malcontents” who are simply not worth …
The Power of God’s Word and Spirit
From Tom Nettles, The Baptists: Key People Involved in Forming a Baptist Identity (Beginnings in Britain), on the distribution of the New Testament by William Carey, William Ward, and Joshua Marshman in India: When the New Testament was printed, the missionaries began to distribute it carefully. William Ward and Krishna Pal, the first convert of …
Holding the Rope: the Words of Andrew Fuller according to John Ryland Jr.
From Tom Nettles, The Baptists: Key People Involved in Forming a Baptist Identity (Beginnings in Britain): Our undertaking to India really appeared to me, on its commencement, to be somewhat like a few men, who were deliberating about the importance of penetrating into a deep mine, which had never before been explored. We had no …
Continue reading “Holding the Rope: the Words of Andrew Fuller according to John Ryland Jr.”
Just for the fun of being encouraged
You should go read this letter by John Piper, inviting people to the DGM National Conference this fall.
Thabiti Anyabwile: Trophy of God’s Grace
As soon as you get a chance, enjoy this beautiful profile of one of the elders at Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Promises Made . . . Promises Kept
What if there was a strong church right in the middle of the nation’s capitol? What if it was pastored by a humble man of God of profound spiritual insight, impeccable academic credentials, and a dynamic personal presence? What if this pastor was absolutely convinced that his own abilities and giftings were not the point, …
Michael Haykin on William Fraser
Here's a snippet: Fraser died in 1883 after he had gone out to Manitoba to evangelize a community of Gaelic-speaking Highlanders. The trip proved too much for the old man. To his last breath the kingdom of Christ and its extension were his passion. The whole thing is worth reading.
Two Baptist Press Stories
Statements from this weblog have found their way into two Baptist Press stories. Comments on the Gospel of Judas were cited here, and an adaptation of the reflections on ABC's "The Ten Commandments" appear here. SOLI DEO GLORIA
Is God Worthy of This?
I just watched the second installment of ABC’s “The Ten Commandments,” and I’m grateful that the movie prompted me to think about some things the Bible says. For instance, there was a scene in which the faithful Israelites killed the idolatrous Israelites who refused to worship Yahweh after the golden calf incident (see Exod 32:26–29). …
The Ten Commandments and the Justice of God
My sweet wife and I just watched the first installment of ABC’s production of The Ten Commandments. I think that the fact that we are now the parents of one especially precious 2 year old boy (our first born) made the death of the first born of Egypt especially poignant to us. The Bible is …
Continue reading “The Ten Commandments and the Justice of God”
Gospel of Judas Radio Interview
I am very grateful to the many of you who communicated to me that you prayed for me during the interview last Friday. My friend Denny Burk has posted the show. I'm on with Denny for about the last ten minutes or so discussing the Gospel of Judas.
Gospel of Judas Radio Interview
I just got off the phone with tonight's guest host of the Jerry Johnson Live radio program, Dr. Denny Burk. It looks like Dr. Burk will interview me live about the Gospel of Judas on the radio program, which airs from 5 to 6pm on KCBI, FM 90.9 in the Dallas area. You can also …
The Gospel of Judas
How would historians of the American Revolution respond if a new document were found? Let's say the document was written by someone loyal to Great Britain, and let's say that it suggested that George Washington asked Benedict Arnold to betray the American cause. Given that the facts are well established, and given that the sympathies …