What the Resurrection Does

Thirteen points in yesterday’s sermon. Here they are: The resurrection makes frightened cowards bold Apostles; enigmatic mysteries plain teaching (Luke 24; John 20:9); proof against proof for (Acts 2:23–24; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30–32; 10:39–40; 13:28–30); guilty sinners justified saints (Rom 4:25); slaves to sin slaves of righteousness (Rom 6); present suffering hopeful joy (Rom 8:18, 24–25, 34); those who …

Charles Barkley’s Golf Swing

Wikipedia’s description of Charles Barkley’s golf swing must be quoted in full: Barkley is well known for his fondness of golf. However, his swing is often regarded as one of the most bizarre and broken swings in the sport. Barkley’s swing unravels after he brings his club back. He starts to take it forward then jerks to a …

John 7:53–8:11 Should Be in a Footnote, Not in the Text

Have you noticed the double brackets in the ESV that surround John 7:53–8:11? Those double brackets mean that the ESV’s translation committee does not consider this passage to be original to John’s Gospel. You also find double brackets around Mark 16:9–20. Do you know what it means that these passages are marked off–correctly–as not coming …

Check Out Books at a Glance

Jim Zaspel writes: Why didn’t someone think of this sooner? If you love books, your greatest frustration is keeping up – “So many books; So little time!” we say. Books At a Glance is a new online service designed to relieve this frustration, and in doing so it provides a much-needed service. “Executive summaries” is a familiar …

“The Legend of the Sunken Mountains” by Andrew Peterson

We’re fans around here of Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga, and in the run-up to the real release of Book Four, The Warden and the Wolf King, we are reading back over the first three volumes. We just finished volume one, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, which includes this poem, “The Legend of the …

Spanish Translation of “Family Discipleship in the Old Testament”

All families of all nations need to know what the Scriptures say about the training and discipling of children, so I rejoice that Saul Sarabia L. has rendered my essay, “That the Coming Generation Might Praise the Lord,” into Spanish: “Discipulado Familiar en el Antiguo Testamento: Que la Generación venidera Alabe al Señor” And here …

Is the SBTS DMin in Biblical Theology for You?

A Guest Post from Miguel Echevarria: Do you want to study biblical theology? Do you want to learn how to use it in your ministry? Would you like to be in cohort of men who have come to Southern for this very purpose? If so, we want to encourage you to enroll in Southern’s D.Min. …

Calvin on Typology

John Calvin’s essay “Christ Is the End of the Law” is included in Thy Word Is Still Truth, ed. Peter Lillback and Richard B. Gaffin. Calvin writes, “For this is eternal life, to know the one and only true God, and Him who He sent, Jesus Christ, whom he constituted the beginning, the middle, and the …

Spanish Translation of “The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment”

Saul Sarabia Lopez has translated my essay “The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment: The Center of Biblical Theology?” I praise God for this brother’s labors. So thankful that he is serving the Lord in this way. Please pass this on to any Spanish speakers you know: La Gloria de Dios en la Salvación a …

In Sorrows Dust and Ash

For Liam’s Parents at His Funeral January 15, 2013 O LORD, our Lord, majestic name, We sit in dust and ash. Though sorrows all around us crash, Rejoicing all the same. We know not why this little one Is laid to rest today. He brought us joy, though not yet born, We know not how …

An Excerpt from What Is Biblical Theology?

I’m grateful that The Gospel Coalition put up an excerpt from What Is Biblical Theology? Here’s the opening: What is biblical theology? I use the phrase biblical theology to refer to the interpretive perspective of the biblical authors. So what is an “interpretive perspective”? It’s the framework of assumptions and presuppositions, associations and identifications, truths, and symbols that are …

How Does Genesis Establish the World of Biblical Theology?

It was my privilege to discuss biblical theology and the book of Genesis with Steve Ham of Answers in Genesis. Just as J. R. R. Tolkien set out the parameters of the world in which The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings would take place, so Genesis sets out the parameters of the world in which the …

Spanish Translation of “A Biblical Theology of Motherhood”

I am so thankful that Saul Sarabia Lopez has translated my essay “A Biblical Theology of Motherhood” for his Spanish speaking brethren. And I’m so thankful for biblical theology and for the role that mothers play in it. What a blessing to have a mother. What a blessing to be a mother. What a blessing to know …