Spanish Translation of “The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment”

Saul Sarabia Lopez has translated my essay “The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment: The Center of Biblical Theology?” I praise God for this brother’s labors. So thankful that he is serving the Lord in this way. Please pass this on to any Spanish speakers you know:

La Gloria de Dios en la Salvación a través del Juicio: ¿El Centro de la Teología Bíblica?

And here are Saul’s previous translations:

The Church Militant and Her Warfare

A Biblical Theology of Motherhood

Were Old Covenant Believers Indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

The Center of Biblical Theology in Acts

Biblical Theology and Preaching

The Seed of the Woman and the Blessing of Abraham

7 replies on “Spanish Translation of “The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment””

  1. Would love to see “What is Biblical Theology?” translated into Spanish. It would be so helpful for the Latin-American world.

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