Charles Barkley’s Golf Swing

Wikipedia’s description of Charles Barkley’s golf swing must be quoted in full:

Barkley is well known for his fondness of golf. However, his swing is often regarded as one of the most bizarre and broken swings in the sport. Barkley’s swing unravels after he brings his club back. He starts to take it forward then jerks to a stop, throwing his body off balance, before wildly striking at the ball.

You have to see it to believe it:

5 replies on “Charles Barkley’s Golf Swing”

  1. The most important part of the golf swing are those last couple of inches before impact, impact, and the first couple of inches after impact. How you get there and where you go from there doesn’t really matter if you get those things correct. Unfortunately for Sir Charles, those three parts of his golf swing are just as ugly as the other parts!

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