Imagination Captured!

I noted recently that my sons and I enjoyed the first two books of Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga. We’re praying that God will bless him as he writes book 3, and that he’ll hurry up and finish so we can read it!

Anyway, the other day my 6 year old brought me this sketch of Podo Helmer, the Pirate turned noble grandfather in the stories.

I’d say his imagination has been captured.

Andrew Peterson has a spot on his website for pictures like this one, so we’re hoping Jake’s drawing of old Podo might make its way onto the big screen.

Recommendation: if you have kids, read these books together!

3 replies on “Imagination Captured!”

  1. Hey Doc,

    What age do you think these stories are appropriate? I love Andrew Peterson and am eager to read these books, but my oldest is 6, and I have two younger than that. Should I wait a couple years?

    SWBTS misses you. :- )



    1. Thanks for your note, Kyle,

      Our oldest is 6 and the next is 4. The oldest loved the books, and the 4 year old was in and out . . . but our oldest reads like crazy . . .

      Hope this helps!


  2. Cool… that boy can do it!!! Don’t you wish sometimes you could see inside his mind…… all that is going on in there!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well… Know you all are enjoying life together!!

    Love you,

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