Revelation 9-12, Four Recent Sermons

It has been my privilege to be preaching through the book of Revelation, and here are my four most recent sermons at Kenwood Baptist Church:

10-11-2009 – Revelation 12:1-17 The Seed of the Woman Versus the Seed of the Serpent

09-20-2009 – Revelation 11:1-19 Bearing Witness til Kingdom Come

09-13-2009 – Revelation 10:1-11 Eat This Scroll (and prophesy the history of the future)

09-06-2009 – Revelation 9:1-21 Trumpeting the End of the World

May the Lord bless his word!

4 replies on “Revelation 9-12, Four Recent Sermons”

  1. Thanks for your posts on premillennialism and your discussion at the evening of eschatology. What a blessing! I know you’re preaching through the book right now and Schreiner just did. What commentaries would you recommend for those preaching through Revelation?

  2. Dr. Hamilton,

    We’ve been considering going through a bible study over Revelation in our Men’s Sunday School. We’ve been going through the MacArthur Bible Studies. Knowing where he stands, I don’t want to use his. Is John Stott a good one to look at along with the commentary you just spoke of?

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