Dan Wallace DVD’s on the Reliability of the Text of the NT

There aren’t many things in the world that are more significant than the text of the New Testament. Without it, after all, we don’t know what Jesus said or did, and we don’t know how the Apostles interpreted and proclaimed what God had done in Jesus. The New Testament is the most basic witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, apart from which there is no reconciliation to God the Father, no forgiveness of sins, and no hope for deliverance from sin, death, and hell (if you want to know more about this gospel, click the “Two Ways to Live” icon on the right side of this page).

All this means that the work of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts is very, very important. They are taking high resolution photos of the best manuscripts of the New Testament, which allows them to do two things: 1) it preserves these manuscripts in highly readable form, and 2) it makes possible the dissemination of these manuscripts–people who would otherwise have no access to them can get to them if they have a computer and an internet connection.

If you would like to learn more, a great place to start would be these two DVD’s of lectures done by Dr. Wallace. Here’s a release advertising these two DVD’s:  

Two DVD videos on the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts 

Several have asked about getting a hold of Dr. Daniel B. Wallace’s plenary address, delivered at the Evangelical Theological Society’s annual meeting in November 2008; others have wanted to get his lecture at apologetics conferences and in churches on whether our Bible today essentially reflects the wording of the original text. Both of these lectures are now available as video DVDs. They would make great Christmas presents—and the price is nominal. The ordering information is available below. 

“Is What We Have Now What They Wrote Then?”

A lecture at an apologetics conference in Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, about whether our printed New Testaments today accurately represent the original text. 

“Challenges in New Testament Textual Criticism for the 21st Century”

A plenary lecture at the annual Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, on current issues in NT textual criticism. 

The price of each video DVD is $10. The price of both video DVDs together is $15. Texas residents also will pay 8.25% sales tax. Allow two to four weeks for delivery. 

Also, if you haven’t signed up yet, you owe it to yourself to get the free monthly e-newsletter of the Friends of CSNTM (the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts). ‘Friends’ update you on the adventures of Dr. Wallace and his team as they travel all over the world in search of New Testament manuscripts. To sign up, simply respond to this email. You’ll get the next e-newsletter at the beginning of the month. 

Friends of CSNTM (friendsofcsntm@gmail.com)

You can order the DVD’s here

May the Lord prosper his word! 

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