2 replies on “Fight Sin by Thinking on Where It Leads”

  1. I’m glad you found the blog post helpful. I recently spoke at a local college ethics class about pornography. It was interesting speaking about pornography to a predominantly non-Christian audience. While they saw very little value in the talking about “sexual ethics” they did see the need to discuss the injustice that pornography causes on a social level – such as feeding the demand for sex trafficking, or the sad lives of the people in the adult industry itself. I found it interesting that even from the world’s perspective, the evils of porn can be clearly seen.

    The fact is the women on the screen are somebody’s daughter. At the heart of lust is the absence of Christlike love. My prayer is that the church will be convicted again to walk in love as Christ loved us, and thus take off every hint of immorality and impurity (Ephesians 5:1-3).

  2. This is so true. This, in the eternal scheme of things is what James is talking about in James 1:14-15. Giving into the lust starts a snowball effect if we are not careful.

    Also, one of my colleagues at our church was a jail chaplain and saw the effects of what you are talking about. I would say that in his experience at least 90-95% of the time those who have been in jail for child porn or other types of sexual sin with children started along the lines of “typical pornography” and that lead to deeper and deeper types.

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