Bible Rhymes’ Creation

I love poetry. My favorites include Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” and Sir Walter Scott’s “Lochinvar.”

I also love the Bible, and I’m convinced that nothing has had a greater impact on the world’s literature than Christianity. Those who create stories are imaging God, who has created the grand story in which all humans play a role.

For these reasons, I’m delighted to see that K. W. McCardell is attempting to present the message of the Bible in the rhythm and rhyme of a poetry that can be read to children. The first volume, on Creation, is available, and you can download the electronic version for free, or you can buy a hard copy from the website, which you can get to by clicking the image below.

May the Lord continue to produce poets in his image, and may this poetry for kids be used to that end for the glory of God!

Update: My sweet wife just read this book to our three year old, who promptly announced, “Daddy, that’s the best book on creation because . . . um, um, um . . . toddlers can learn about creation!”

3 replies on “Bible Rhymes’ Creation”

  1. Jim,
    Did ya know that Coleridge was high on cocain when he wrote Kubla Khan? You also have to try William Wordsworth (esp. “She dwelt among untrodden ways”) and Robert Froster (esp. “My Last Duchess”). But nothing beats the Psalms for my mind.

  2. Mike,

    Thanks for your note. I know the opium story . . .

    I’ll check out the others you mention–Robert Browning wrote “My Last Duchess,” and Robert Frost wrote some good stuff, too. I’m with you on the Psalms!


  3. Dr.,

    William Wordsworth is an interesting read. I do remember “Lochinvar.” I was forced to memorize it and recite it in eighth grade. Strangely enough, I still remember most of it. Children would do well to memorize poetry of our great God. Many years down the road certain triggers will go off in their head and they’ll be reminded of these great poems. Nice find.

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