Chosen for Life, by Sam Storms

One evening during my freshman year in college at the University of Arkansas, I asked my wise Sunday School teacher, “Do you believe in predestination?” He responded simply, “The word is in the Bible.”

The word is in the Bible, but what does it mean and how does it work? If you or someone you know is wrestling with such questions, Sam Storms has done you a great service. If you have some ideas about this but would like to have a fellow traveler who has been down the path, studied the map, knows the landmarks, and can tell you the history of the great sites in a winsome, envigorating, even devotional way, Sam Storms has done you a great service.

If you know people struggling with what the Bible says about these topics, this would be a great book to give them. If you are a pastor thinking about reading a book with some guys you would like to invest in, this would be a great book to work through together.

If you have heard the buzz about the whole debate between calvinists and arminians and want a fair treatment that will rightly divide the word of truth, Sam Storms has done the hard work for you. Now you get the fun part of reading his book!

You can read the introduction and first chapter here,  and note the impressive commendations from the likes of John Piper, J. I. Packer, Tom Schreiner, C. J. Mahaney, and D. A. Carson.

I recommend that you buy and read this book.

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