Counseling and the Authority of Christ

Praise God for Russell D. Moore. And praise God for the new direction in which he is pointing the Biblical Counseling program at Southern Seminary.

Hallelujah! I am elated to see somebody stand up and call it like it is. Somebody with the guts to “sell the mills” (see Good to Great).

I cannot commend the address Dr. Moore gave at SBTS in the Spring of 2005 on Counseling and the Authority of Christ highly enough.

May many institutions that train servants of the churches follow this path blazed by Southern Seminary. And may God continue to bless Russ Moore. . .

4 replies on “Counseling and the Authority of Christ”

  1. They have already brought prof. Stuart Scott on board who was an elder at Grace Community Church (or whatever the name of MacArthur’s church is)

    I had a class with him and it was very enlightening. As he put it… counseling is really intensive discipleship.

    Great stuff…

  2. As a Biblical counseling student at the College of Biblical Studies and a Southern Baptist I say amen to Russel Moore and Southern!
    It is neat to see the changes that are taking place. Even to see someone say “we were wrong” like Mohler did about what they believe about Scripture and how they shouldn’t take a different view in counseling than one that the Bible is sufficient in a BP article last year.
    We have won the battle for inerrancy but have we won the battle for the sufficiency of the Scriptures? We say we believe in Sola Scriptura but do we really when we send our people to a psychologist because we think the Word of God doesn’t have the answer? We need reformation and revival in this area.
    May we return to a biblical understanding of the doctrine of man and his depravity and a biblical view of the doctrine of God in all His majestic holiness. We need counelors and pastors who shepherd the people based on a well exegeted theology. Pratical theology(Biblical Counseling) based on solid Biblical and Systematic Theology. The Word of God is sufficient for all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4). May we be a people who do not walk in the COUNSEL of the ungodly but delight in the Law of the Lord and meditate on it both day and night.
    May we like David look to the Word as our Counselor (Psalm 119:24).

    By His grace and for His glory,

    Joel Day

  3. How great it is to know that Southern is willing to take this huge stand against pop psychology and say the word of God is sufficent to counsel of man’s problems. May others follow their path.

    This is very wonderful.

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