Arguing that Christianity is not to be blamed for the sack of Rome by the Goths, Augustine explains in The City of God that both good and bad men suffer. He writes: But as for the good things of this life, and its ills, God has willed that these should be common to both [good …
Category Archives: Evangelism and Apologetics
Why is the church in America Dying?
Thom Rainer gives a summary of his findings here. The gist of it is that the church in the USA is not reproducing itself, and, if things continue as they are, Christianity in America will go the way of Christianity in Europe, where it’s all but gone. Here’s a summary: 1. Churches are doctrinally ineffective. …
Piper on Pain
I don’t know anybody in the world who thinks about life like John Piper. Right before he had prostate surgery he wrote Don’t Waste Your Cancer. Here’s a preview, which will hopefully prompt you to read the whole thing: 1. You will waste your cancer if you do not believe it is designed for you …
God-Centered Evangelism
Thom Rainer has recently noted that in 2003 the ratio of church members to baptisms in SBC churches was 43 to 1 (see here). Rainer puts this statistic forward to answer the question, "How many members does it take to reach one person for Christ in a year?" I suspect that the ratio is 43 …