Read the Bible

Are you planning to read through the Bible in a year?

Have you felt lost in the vast architecture and artistry of the Bible’s massive spaces and intricate designs?

One of my motivations in writing God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology was to provide a resource people could use alongside their daily Bible reading. I mention that in the “Strategy for Reading This Book” that precedes the first chapter, and Chris Dendy has taken that cue and created a Through the Bible in a Year reading program that pairs daily Bible Readings with relevant sections from God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment.

This plan will enable you to take a guided tour through the Bible using the God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment reading plan. With it you can accompany your daily Bible reading with related sections of God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment to see key connections with other Scripture, literary structure of the passage you’re reading, and broader thematic developments.

My prayer is that many will grow in their understanding of the Bible by experiencing its power and glory first-hand.

Read the Bible. And if you need help understanding it, get a book like this one that will take you through the Bible and draw your eye to the way its authors deployed their artistry to display God’s glory.

The God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment Bible Reading Plan is available free in three formats.

Printable: This format can be printed (front and back), and then you can fold the pages in half to make a small booklet. This document has been updated to make it easier to print.

Digital: This format presents things in the order they should appear if you don’t plan to print the pages front and back and fold them in half.

Kindle: If you have the Kindle version of GGSTJ, this one provides your readings.

Is there any book more important than the Bible? When you come to the end, is there anything you will wish you had given more time and energy and mental effort to reading and understanding?

Don’t waste your life.
Read the Bible.
Behold the glory.
Know God.
Build your life on the book.

22 replies on “Read the Bible”

  1. Dear Dr. Hamilton,

    Thanks for all your fine work! I have your GGSTJ in both print as well as eBook (mobi) editions. I immensely appreciate Christopher Dendy and Lindsey Jacobs putting this reading plan together for the benefit of others too. Please correct me if I’m mistaken but it appears the GGSTJ Bible Reading Plan is keyed to GGSTJ page numbers? If so, I’m afraid I don’t have access to the print edition, and only the eBook edition (via Amazon Kindle), which doesn’t have page numbers as such. I’m wondering if you might know if GGSTJ on Kindle comes with “real” page numbers (i.e. the same page numbers as the print edition)? Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi Patrick,

    I have the Kindle book. And the answer unfortunately is no. I agree it would be a great help if the actual section titles were listed in the chart to account for this.

    Thanks Jim

  3. I second that. If you include those places where we can find it on a kindle I would like to also read along.

  4. Hopefully I’m just having an embarrassing moment where I simply need some coffee, but I can’t figure out how to fold the print edition into a booklet. It appears that the pages are not ordered correctly in the PDF. If they are then I must be doing something terribly wrong.

    I would like to suggest that you should add a diagram (or at least instructions) as a last page (not to be printed) in the PDF that explains what to do. I would also ask that you double-check and make sure these pages are actually in the right order. The version I’m looking at is at the following link:


    1. The printable PDF was driving me a little crazy too but I think I figured out the issue. When you select the option to print on both sides of the paper, make sure you select “flip on side edge.” Most printers will default to the “flip on long edge” option.

      Hope that helps!

  5. Today’s reading begins on page 25 (Acknowledgments) and ends on page 30 (Strategy for Reading) in my printed edition. That seems to be the wrong pages for Gen 1-3. Is this correct?

    1. Yeah, it’s giving you a few pages of reading per day. If you notice on the reading plan, you won’t have any GGSTJ reading from Jan 8 – 17. If you want, you can always page forward to the section on Gen 1–3 – just turn a few pages and you’ll be there.

      Thanks for reading!

  6. The book has helped me tremendously so far, and the plan has given me the wherewithal to read it alongside scripture. Thank you!

    If you ever update the plan, there are a couple places where a day’s reading is considerably shorter than usual (Num. 7, Neh. 7, I Chr. 6). Lumping those days in with another day’s reading would let you spread out a couple of the days with longer passages than normal.

    Many thanks!

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